Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Full Ingreated Marketing Communication Plan Essay
Full Ingreated Marketing Communication Plan - Essay Example Its production has always been customer oriented backed by efficient result oriented real time research. It has an excellent management with a visionary marketing team who believes on thinking different and being ahead of competition. The team is aware of the marketing channels that can profit them more in terms of level of liquidity, goodwill and customer loyalty. It started it journey with an agriculture based vehicle which was renowned by the name Land Rover. In 1970, it came out with its first Range Rover. It was the first civilized vehicle manufactured by Land Rover keeping in mind the customers’ comfort. The models of the brand are the result of efficient customer insight and extensive research done by Land Rover. The car has been famous as a luxurious and fashionable 4*4 car. Market segment is one of the most important considerations for marketing communication. Since, Land Rover is a luxurious car; it is mostly focused on high income communities who have the means and the passion towards cars. Looking at its 4*4 feature, it is segmented under family car version of cars and its main target customers will be big old age personalities with family because it is they, who give importance to family and have time for them to be together and wish to travel together. They are also a segment who mostly gives high preference to comfort and quality then looks and fashion. Land Rover provides comfort, quality and luxurious status to its customers. The globalization has its impending effect on Land Rover that had many positive and negative effects for the company. Most important had been the fierce competition that started in the decade of 80’s. Its first competition was with Japanese automobile company like Mitsubishi and their manufactured general utility cars followed by BMW and many others. Land Rover had a whole lot of models that started with the name Land Rover itself followed by discovery
Monday, October 28, 2019
Proposal Argument Essay Example for Free
Proposal Argument Essay I believe it is an agreed principle by everyone that the importance of sports is in the life of a student is invaluable. Sports play a significant role of first about every individual solely country (Campbell; 4). In one way or the other people are involved in a game or some sort, Whether he/she is watching or playing or by just knowing an individual who plays or watches. Sports often come in various sizes. Cricket is a group sport with individuals playing various roles at the same time play is going on. The matches are played in an open field usually oval or circular in shape. Cricket is an international sport with recognition all over the world. It has a long history since the 19th century and has often been associated with strong passion, that has seen it become more popular the world over. With this reputation that this game has earned all over the years that it has been in existence, The College would be glad to be associated with this game and be part of the effort to develop the games in our society to enable all Americans to compete at the international stage. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â The Austin community college (ACC) wants to develop an exciting and innovative initiative to help advance the careers of students as professional players and to motivate them. The students through the department of sports and the college, proposes to start an established cricket team that will provide training service to the student. This proposal requests $ 800,000.00 from the community and other well wishers through a fund drive to help meet the costs of buying a piece of land that would be used as both training and play ground by the student. Part of this money will also be used towards the purchase of facilities for training and playing like bats and gears among others and for amenities for people involved in the game of cricket at the college. We as the members of the cricket club of Austin community college anticipate that the grants that will be received from the fundraising will be an essential and a basis part of our program. It will also be crucial as it will provide an essential training and educational component to the project thereby allowing us to both extend our effort in academic as well as that of sports and at the same time lowering the costs the college would incur and thus providing the college with an opportunity to meet the needs of its student and as such serve the large society. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â The program (crickets) which the school envisions is multi-faceted comprehensive as well as innovative. The college community has a tremendous requirement for additional sports. The ACC and its board have already identified an ideal site where the training and play ground can be set up The cost breakdown of the proposed site and facilities is as follows; Â Play ground- $ 500,000 Facilities- $ 260,000 Administrative -$ 100,000 The cost estimates of this program have been based on a comprehensive program designed which took in to consideration all of the criteria players coaches, trainers playing facilities as well as other aspects of the cricket game. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Like in every game the facilities that are budgeted for are essential, and without which there will be no much development of the sport. The sport requires a large space from which both the training and playing can take place. However the space within the college is not adequate to accommodate the pitch. That is why the college is soliciting for funds to purchase a piece of land that is about 200 meters from the college. The field is spacious enough, a key to the project. It is the only open field with enough capacity to cater for the game otherwise there is no other such space within the vicinity which can cost less or specious for the program. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â The essence of sports is either money or fun like in every sport the game of cricket has both professionals and amateurs ( The school would be serving the role of facilitator and developer of the talents of the amateurs and molding them in to professionals for the betterment of the society. In most cases sports have been known to bring cohesion and together in the community and the larger society. For instance the game of cricket is internationally recognized for the role it has played to bring some kind of peace and tranquility between India and Pakistan. This can translate to bring the students as well as community at Austin community, college. The fans which will be largely the student from the college will be inspired by a good team to come out on large numbers to support their team. I believe that the net effect of this support would be that of the school community working together in harmony. Nevertheless this can only be achieved if the school is able to purchase the parcel of land in question and buy the needs facilities so as to be able to develop the game. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â As has been witnessed in other sports the game is able to feature every part of social studies through active involvement in one way or another and which will be of great benefit to all parties involved including the entire society ( For instance, the bowlers must have ample space to run as well as the cricket keepers which will enable them to compete at the highest level of competition and at the same time develop and nurture talents that will not only turn professional but successful sports men/women who will do our country proud and raise the standard of the game in the country. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â For the last 3 and half years the students have been using the soccer pitch which has hampered their progress and at the same time interrupted the training program of the soccer players. Currently there about 30 students who are actively involved in the sport but due to lack of enough facilities and an ample space to train in any have not been able to join the team. This is so because there are many students with the interest to join the game but who can not be accommodated due to the current state of affairs. A large number of students are not actively involved in sports but whom cricket would provide with the opportunity to be actively participating and develop. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â On behalf the entire organizing committee for the funds drive and the sports department I do believe that your contribution would go a long way in achieving this goal. It is also sure way for everyone through their contributions to be part of the history to be made. Thanks in anticipation. Reference: James Campbell. Excursions, adventure, and field sports in Ceylon Asian education service, 1999 Non profit guides Social studies for kids; sports as social studies
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Dramatic Monologues of Robert Browning Essay -- Poetry Dramatic Mo
The Dramatic Monologues of Robert Browning Consider the range of characterisation in Browning’s dramatic monologues and the poetic methods he employs to portray his speakers. Some are written in rhyming verse, use metaphors, et cetera, but for what reason? What is the writer trying to achieve and how successful is he? Robert Browning (1812-1889) was an English poet noted for his mastery of dramatic monologue. He was born in London, the son of a wealthy clerk at the bank of England, he received scant formal education but had access to his father’s large library of about 6,000 volumes. Though initially unsuccessful as a poet and financially dependent on his family until well into adulthood Browning was to become a celebrated Victorian poet. In some of his finest works people from the past speak their thoughts and reveal their lives to the reader through the †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦? The poems I will be taking into account will be: ‘Porphyria’s Lover’ from Dramatic Lyrics, 1842 ‘The Laboratory’, 1844 ‘My last Duchess’, from Dramatic Lyrics, 1842 ‘Andrea del Sarto’ from Men and Women, 1855 ‘Fra Lippo Lippi’ from Men and Women, 1855 All these poems are presented from the viewpoint of an individual explaining their actions. The speakers all consider their actions justified, though only Fra Lippo Lippi has reason to explain himself to anyone. These poems use different poetic methods to form the character of the speaker. The rhyme schemes vary from obvious, as in the rhyming couplets of ‘The Laboratory’, to subtle, as in ‘Porphyria’s Lover’ to an absence of a rhyme scheme as in the blank verse of ‘Andrea del Sarto’. Also there are many uses of alliteration, assonance, enjambment and onomatopoeic words to draw our att... ... beauty’ though Andrea is presumably referring to her curves and suppleness of youth the serpent is also widely recognised as a manipulative and deceitful. A true master of the arts would be expected to have a better imagination and grasp of imagery. This poem also particularly demonstrates Browning’s mastery of dramatic monologues as he has written in blank verse and written in the tone of a dull and lifeless man but still creates a deep dramatic monologue that reveals a lot more through it’s poetic methods employed in it than the speaker actually tells us. The way such different portrayals are formed of each character show us how successful Browning has been in using different poetic methods to convey each characterisation as a lot can be established simply from the rhythm and rhyme scheme of the poem and other poetic methods used before even analysing the speaker.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Anatomy Of A Muscle Cell Essay -- essays research papers
Anatomy of Muscle Cells There are three types of muscle tissue in the human body. These muscle tissues are skeletal muscles, smooth muscles and cardiac muscles. Each of these muscle tissues has it very own anatomical makeup, which vary from muscle to muscle. The muscle cells in a muscle are referred to as muscle fibers, these fibers are skeletal muscle fibers, smooth muscle fibers and cardiac muscle fibers. The anatomy of a skeletal muscle fiber is formed during embryonic development. Skeletal muscle fibers arise from a hundred or more small mesodermal cells called myoblasts. The mature skeletal muscle fiber has a hundred or more nuclei. Once fusion occurs the skeletal muscle fiber will lose the ability to undergo cell division. This means that the number of muscle fibers is set before birth and most of these fibers will last a lifetime. The muscle growth that occurs after birth is a result of the enlargement of these existing muscle fibers. The mature muscle fibers have a few myoblasts, which remain as satellite cells. These myoblasts retain the capacity to join with one another or with damaged muscle fibers in order to regenerate these muscle fibers. John Centore2 Dr. Jain Anatomy & Physiology The many nuclei of skeletal muscle fiber are located underneath the sarcolemma, which is the fiber’s plasma membrane. Thousands of invaginations of the sarcolemma, which are called T Tubules, Tunnel from the surface to the center of the muscle fiber. These T Tubules are open to the outside of the fiber and are filled with extra-cellular fluid. Muscle action potentials propagate along the sarcolemma and through the T tubules and quickly spread through the muscle fiber. This process ensures that all parts of the muscle fiber become excited by an action potential virtually simultaneously. The sarcoplasm is located inside the sarcolemma. Sarcoplasm is the cytoplasm of a muscle fiber, it contains a good amount of glycogen, which is used for ATP synthesis. The sarcoplasm also contains myoglobin, a red colored, oxygen binding-protein, that is found only in muscle fibers. The myoglobin binds oxygen molecules, which are needed for ATP production within the mitochondria. The Mitochondria lie in rows throughout the muscle fiber, strategically close to the proteins that use ATP during contraction. The sarcoplasm is filled with little threadlike structures. These str... ...sponse to nerve impulses, hormones and other local factors. These muscle fibers can also stretch considerably and still maintain their contractile function. John Centore5 Anatomy & Physiology Dr. Jain The last of the three groups of muscle fiber is cardiac muscle fiber. The cardiac muscle fibers have the same arrangement of actin and myosin and the same bands, zones, and Z-disks as skeletal muscle fibers. However, the ends of cardiac muscle fibers connect to adjacent fibers by irregular transverse thickenings of the sarcolemma called intercalated disks. These disks contain desmosomes, which hold the fibers together, and gap junctions, which allow muscle action potential to spread from one cardiac muscle to another. In cardiac muscle fibers, calcium ions enter the sarcoplasm both from the sarcoplasmic reticulum and from extracellular fluid. The mitochondria in cardiac muscle fiber are larger and more numerous than in skeletal muscle fiber. Cardiac muscle fibers can also use lactic acid produced by skeletal muscle fibers to make ATP, a benefit during exercise. I had already submitted my Email is,please excuse me for forgetting my email address....thank you
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Paikea and Garnder’s Intelligences
In the movie Whale Rider, Paikea, the main character, overcomes her struggles with Paka, her grandfather, and becomes the new leader of the tribe. Paka repeatedly rejects her throughout the movie for her gender. He is angry because she had lived after birth, while her twin brother did not. He scolds her everytime she attempts to try one of the excercises the boys are doing to see who will be the chosen one. Evaluating three of Gardner’s Eight Intelligences, readers can see how Paikea has naturalistic, intrapersonal, and also kinesthetic intelligences, and how she uses them to be a leader.Paikea has naturalistic intelligence, which is the ability to recognize patterns and relationships to nature. In the movie, Paikea gives speeches over her ancestry and history. She shows her knowledge over her Maori culture and the whales. A very good example of her relationship to nature is when she calls out to the whales. Paikea is one of the only ones who can call out to whales and be hear d. Towards the end of the movie she proves once again her intelligence, when she rides a whale into the water.Another intelligence Paikea has is intrapersonal, which is the ability to introspect and self-reflect. Paikea knows about her twin brother’s death after birth. She is aware that that is the reason Paka rejects her and although it hurts her, she does not resent him for it. Paikea also has poetic skills. Proof of this is her winning the poem and speech contest at her school. In the movie, Paikea is leaving New Zealand with her father and as they are driving by the water, she sees a whale.She realizes what she must do and asks her father to take her back home. Lastly, Paikea showed kinesthetic intelligence, which involves strength in physical movement and fine motor control. Paikea is surprisingly good in using the Taiaha, which is the traditional weapon used by males while fighting. She knocked down another boys taiaha during a scene in the movie. Paikea also shows her bodily motions while she is dancing with the rest of the girls at her school.Paikea also proves her kinesthetic intelligence when she is able to turn on the boat motor when her grandfather could not. She also swims to the bottom of the water to get her grandfathers whale tooth necklace back. In conclusion, these three intelliegences were shown well in Paikea throughout the movie. She overcomes the struggles with her grandfather and understands him for rejecting her. Paikea does not give up once in trying to show her grandfather that she is the one.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
11 Commission Report Omissions and Distortions Chapter twelve and thirteen Book Summary Essay Example
The 9/11 Commission Report Omissions and Distortions Chapter twelve and thirteen Book Summary Essay Example The 9/11 Commission Report Omissions and Distortions Chapter twelve and thirteen Book Summary Paper The 9/11 Commission Report Omissions and Distortions Chapter twelve and thirteen Book Summary Paper The 9/11 Commission Report Omissions and Distortions Chapter twelve and thirteen Book Summary Chapter 12 For some time the commissions report of Flight 11J F has been a core issue of contention as people try to determine what or who was responsible for the success of the terror attack on American soil and its people in September 11. On one account, the commission argued that the American military forces were not to blame. They faced challenges in their operations and actions such as inadequate prior experience with such a situation, the confusion that ensued after and during the attack and more so, poor communication has also been mentioned as a major contributor to their slow reaction. However, despite the commissions assertion, a closer look highlights a number of loopholes and delays within the response structure and the teams or groups of individuals involved which could have been avoided and eliminated changing the outcome of the day completely. The first hurdle and obstacle to the swift response was that the FAA personnel broke protocol and procedures by failing to alert the proper authorities and the military in this case of a flight that is not communicating and moreover has changed its course of direction. The plane was non responsive to directives from the tower to climb, and even though it was uncommon and vital that the planes signal and radio contact was off. The staff still took no immediate action to deal with the situation as an emergency and instead informed other airlines to try make contact with their flight as they worked on moving planes out of the path of Flight 11 J F. The commission in the defense of the FAA and their actions says at the time the lack of communication was mainly driven by the fact that the staff saw no immediate of impending danger and assumed all was well. But later upon getting intelligible and accurate information from one of the communication transmissions on the flight confirming a hi jacking, the personnel took action choosing to inform their supervisors who thereafter took charge alerting their chain of command as protocol dictated. The issue raised in regards to this action is that, as they waited for a confirmation that there was a threat aboard the plane, none of those involved thought it necessary to inform the military so that preventative action could be take. Their lack of urgency by the FAA personnel therefore led to delays in the military response and overall led to the poorly coordinated efforts, which ultimately allowed the attacks to proceed unimpeded further supporting the commissions argument that the military were not to blame. The FAA management was not required to follow the procedure they took as they had direct access and communication links to the military an aspect ignored by the commission in their assessment of their role in the attack. Another weakness in the commissions report was their explanation of why the military opted to scramble support from an alert center so far away from the city while there was one within the proximity of the attack which would have made action faster and more efficient. The respondents while being questioned also left doubt in the commissions ability to stay impartial and honest for instance having respondents give different accounts of the ordeal in their statements claiming a fault with their memories. There were incidences of coaching and coercion further diminishing the commissions viability as a neutral, dependable and trustworthy investigative body. From the accounts of the day from the commissions perspective a number of inconsistencies are uncovered many of which are in their contradictory statements about the chain of command protocols utilized on that day by the FAA, the claim that there were no fighters within the center that was closest to the city, the claim that the fighters needed permission under such circumstances to assemble and act and the sluggish response from the military taking longer that is deemed necessary and plausible. Moreover, the commission was inactive and inconsistent with their search for the truth and evidence eliminating suspicion that the military did not do all it could as it failed to follow up and assess the legitimacy of claims, presumptions and coincidences. Chapter 13 The inconsistencies in the commissions report do not end with Flight 11 but proceed to the Flight 175 which hit the south tower. There were concerns in the fact that the time frames given by NORAD. Through revisionism historians are able to provide different accounts of what is presented to the public as true showing differences previously ignored or assumed as insignificant or need to know. It is a method recognized when used for the right intent as providing more accurate results and outcomes. Amongst its advantages is that it assesses all evidence available unabashedly and moreover, it ensures to provide evidence through comparison of prior reports thus proving its stance rather than disputing aimlessly. The revisionist account in this case is more realistic as it is more supported by actual facts than the original first account report and also more than the currently existing revisionist developments developed over the recent years. From this approach it becomes evident that the commission only supported and promoted the theories promoted by the original theorists and discards all other evidence and concerns holistically or bends it to suit the outcome desired. The chapter does not however assess the legitimacy of the commissions claims but focuses on the success or failure of any and all attempts the involved parties made to alter the results and deliver fallacies through omission and distortion. The commission in this case is accused of being but a tool and platform the military successfully adopted to rid itself of all blame, suspicion, and responsibility of the attacks. In the case of Flight 175, the commission defended the military for their slow response claiming though assembled in prime time, they were delayed by the fact that their target location had not been communicated and thus they were delayed by the wait for direction ad a directive from their senior officer. The critics argument is that though this may have been true, the commission should have provided substantive explanation and factual evidence to explain this lack or failure in communication. Furthermore, reports indicate that even with the lack of timely information on their target direction, the fighter planes had sufficient time to get to the Flight 175 before it hit the south tower at the time of their receiving the coordinates. The statements of the fighter pilots, NORAD and the commission are all contradictory in explaining the failure to perform as was necessary and expected the commission opting to alter a previous statement to state their arrival to the scene was only after the south tower had already been hit. The commission in light of its mandate to find and stand by the truth opted to desert the previous statements as falsehoods without any explanation and instead supported the military account of things. The different narrations from various groups the commission disputes and asks the public and the critics to believe their account as the gospel truth all the while neglecting to provide any evidence or facts to support their claims on time, response and respondents and some major loopholes in the different reports provided throughout the investigations. The revisionists also argue that the commissions argument that the Flight 175 did not change course nor did the transponder fail to communicate is misguided and untrue as the FAA personnel should then have been able to track the plane and therefore no need to report it hijacked. The gaps are many and the commission is vague in all attempts if any to explain why any of the events took place as they define in their account. From all accou nts, the questions and doubts as to the viability and accuracy of the commission report was brought forth and the skepticism from historians and other critics is still a reality. The commissions insistence on absolving the military of any blame inevitable paints a vivid picture of the FAAs incompetence in managing the situation and in alerting the military so as to take appropriate and immediate action. However, from the evidence provided by the revisionists and critics, the commissions bias is obvious and their lack of neutrality outright.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Biography of Margaret of Valois, France’s Slandered Queen
Biography of Margaret of Valois, France’s Slandered Queen Born Princess Marguerite of France, Margaret of Valois (May 14, 1553 – March 27, 1615) was a princess of the French Valois dynasty and a queen of Navarre and France. An educated woman of letters and patron of the arts, she nonetheless lived in a time of political upheaval and had her legacy tainted by rumors and false tales that portrayed her as a cruel hedonist. Fast Facts: Margaret of Valois Full Name: Margaret (French: Marguerite) of ValoisOccupation: Queen of Navarre and Queen of FranceBorn: May 14, 1553 at Chà ¢teau de Saint-Germain-en-Laye, FranceDied: March 27, 1615 in Paris FranceKnown For: Born a princess of France; married Henry of Navarre, who eventually became the first Bourbon king of France. Although she was notable for her cultural and intellectual patronage, rumors about her romantic entanglements led to a false legacy depicting her as a selfish and hedonistic woman.Spouse: King Henry IV of France (m. 1572 - 1599) French Princess Margaret of Valois was the third daughter and seventh child of King Henry II of France and his Italian queen, Catherine de’ Medici. She was born at the royal Chà ¢teau de Saint-Germain-en-Laye, where she spent her childhood alongside her sisters, the princesses Elisabeth and Claude. Her closest familial relationship was with her brother Henry (later King Henry III), who was only two years her senior. Their friendship as children, however, did not last into adulthood, for several reasons. The princess was well educated, studying literature, classics, history, and several ancient and contemporary languages. At the time, European politics existed in a constant, fragile state of shifting power and alliances, and Margaret’s mother, a savvy political figure in her own right, made sure that Margaret learned as much as possible about the complexities (and dangers) of domestic and international politics. Margaret saw her brother Francis ascend the throne at a young age, then die soon after, leaving her next brother to become Charles IX and her mother Catherine to be the most powerful person behind the throne. As a teenager, Margaret fell in love with Henry of Guise, a duke from a prominent family. However, their plans to marry went against the plans of the royal family, and when they were found out (in all likelihood, by Margaret’s brother Henry), the duke of Guise was banished and Margaret severely punished. Although the romance was quickly ended, it would be brought up again in the future with slanderous pamphlets that suggested Margaret and the duke had been lovers, insinuating a long-standing pattern of licentious behavior on her part. Political Unrest in France Catherine de’ Medici’s preference was for a marriage between Margaret and Henry of Navarre, a Huguenot prince. His house, the Bourbons, was another branch of the French royal family, and the hope was that the marriage of Margaret and Henry would rebuild family ties as well as brokering a peace between French Catholics and Huguenots. In April 1572, the 19-year-olds became engaged, and they seemed to like one another at first. Henry’s influential mother, Jeanne d’Albret, died in June, making Henry the new king of Navarre. The mixed-faith marriage, held at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, was intensely controversial, and it was soon followed by violence and tragedy. Six days after the wedding, while a large number of prominent Huguenots were still in Paris, the St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre occurred. History would blame Margaret’s mother, Catherine de’ Medici, for organizing the targeted murders of prominent Protestants; for her part, Margaret wrote in her memoirs about how she personally hid a handful of Protestants in her personal apartments. By 1573, Charles IX’s mental state had deteriorated to the point where a successor was necessary. By birthright, his brother Henry was the heir presumptive, but a group called the Malcontents feared that the intensely anti-Protestant Henry would escalate religious violence even further. They planned to put his younger brother, the more moderate Francis of Alenà §on, on the throne instead. Henry of Navarre was among the conspirators, and although Margaret, at first, disapproved of the plot, she eventually joined in as a bridge between moderate Catholics and the Huguenots. The plot failed, and although her husband was not executed, the relationship between King Henry III and his sister Margaret was forever embittered. Queen and Diplomat Margaret’s marriage, at this point, was fast deteriorating. They were unable to conceive an heir, and Henry of Navarre took several mistresses, most notably Charlotte de Sauve, who sabotaged Margaret’s attempt to reform the alliance between Francis of Alenà §on and Henry. Henry and Francis both escaped imprisonment in 1575 and 1576, but Margaret was imprisoned as a suspected conspirator. Francis, backed by the Huguenots, refused to negotiate until his sister was set free, and so she was. She, along with her mother, helped negotiate a crucial treaty: the Edict of Beaulieu, which gave Protestants more civil rights and permitted the practice of their faith except in certain places. In 1577, Margaret went on a diplomatic mission to Flanders in hopes of securing a deal with the Flemings: help from Francis to overthrow Spanish rule in exchange for putting Francis on their new throne. Margaret worked to create a network of contacts and allies, but ultimately, Francis could not defeat the mighty Spanish army. Francis soon fell under Henry III’s suspicion again and was re-arrested; he escaped again, in 1578, with Margaret’s help. The same series of arrests captured Margaret’s apparent lover, Bussy d’Amboise. Eventually, Margaret rejoined her husband, and they settled their court at Nà ©rac. Under Margaret’s guidance, the court became exceptionally learned and cultured, but it also was the site of many romantic misadventures among the royals and courtiers. Margaret fell in love with her brother Francis’s grand equerry, Jacques de Harley, while Henry took a teenaged mistress, Francoise de Montmorency-Fosseux, who became pregnant and gave birth to Henry’s stillborn daughter. In 1582, Margaret returned to the French court for unknown reasons. Her relationships with both her husband and her brother King Henry III were in shambles, and it was around this time that the first rumors about her supposed immorality began to circulate, presumably courtesy of her brother’s loyalists. Tired of being pulled between the two courts, Margaret abandoned her husband in 1585. Rebel Queen and Her Return Margaret rallied the Catholic League and turned against her family and husband’s policies. She briefly was able to seize the city of Agen, but the citizens eventually turned on her, forcing her to flee with her brother’s troops in hot pursuit. She was imprisoned in 1586 and forced to watch her favorite lieutenant executed, but in 1587, her gaoler, the Marquis de Canillac, switched allegiances to the Catholic League (most likely by bribery) and set her free. Although she was free, Margaret chose not to leave the castle of Usson; instead, she dedicated the next 18 years to re-creating a court of artists and intellectuals. While there, she wrote her own Memoirs, an unprecedented act for a royal woman of the time. After her brother’s 1589 assassination, her husband ascended to the throne as Henry IV. In 1593, Henry IV asked Margaret for an annulment, and ultimately, it was granted, especially with the knowledge that Margaret could not have children. After this, Margaret and Henry had a friendly relationship, and she befriended his second wife, Marie de’ Medici. Margaret returned to Paris in 1605 and established herself as a generous patron and benefactress. Her banquets and salons frequently hosted the great minds of the time, and her household became central to cultural, intellectual, and philosophical life. At one point, she even wrote in an intellectual discourse, criticizing a misogynistic text and defending women. Death and Legacy In 1615, Margaret fell seriously ill, and died in Paris on March 27, 1615, the last survivor of the Valois dynasty. She had named Henry and Marie’s son, the future Louis XIII, as her heir, cementing the link between the old Valois dynasty and the new Bourbons. She was buried in the funerary chapel of the Valois in the Basilica of St. Denis, but her casket disappeared; it either was lost during the chapel’s renovations or was destroyed in the French Revolution. The myth of a cursed, beautiful, lustful â€Å"Queen Margot†has persisted, largely in part because of misogynistic and anti-Medici histories. Influential writers, most notably Alexandre Dumas, exploited the rumors against her (which likely originated with her brother’s and husband’s courtiers) to criticize the age of royalty and the supposed depravity of women. It was not until the 1990s that historians began to investigate the truth of her history instead of centuries of compounded rumors. Sources Haldane, Charlotte. Queen of Hearts: Marguerite of Valois, 1553–1615. London: Constable, 1968.Goldstone, Nancy. The Rival Queens. Little Brown and Company, 2015.Sealy, Robert. The Myth of the Reine Margot: Toward the Elimination of a Legend. Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers, 1995.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Aldi and Lidl Essays
Aldi and Lidl Essays Aldi and Lidl Paper Aldi and Lidl Paper In our globalized world it Is becoming more and more challenging for companies to create their own unique brand. Competition is high and companies have to decide which strategy is the best for their business evolvement. This report is focused on two different companies Lidl and Aldi operating in the food retailing industry. Lidl and Aldi mostly was entering markets through Greenfield investments. These two companies chose greenfield investment as they wanted to have a full control over their business, promote their own brand and manage their business on their own. Advantages and disadvantages of entering market through greenfield investment is included in this report. Aldi’s main objective, when entering other market like UK and Switzerland, is ‘recognising customers needs and meeting the requirements of the demand in that country’. Lidl and Aldi have completely different strategies in global expansion. Aldi was entering big markets like the USA and Australia and this was good strategy for company’s expansion as target markets of such countries are much bigger than European target market. But it takes much more effort to control such big markets. As for Lidl’s future I would recommend to expand in other European countries before entering big markets like Russia, although it would be a great opportunity for Lidl to enter Russian market. About Aldi and Lidl Both companies Aldi and Lidl were founded in Germany. Aldi was founded in 1946 by two Albrecht brothers and Lidl was founded eleven years after Aldi was founded by Dieter Schwarz. These two companies were opening and still open, grocery discount stores which means selling products at the lowest price possible reducing its costs on companies promotion, rental fees or purchasing prices of properties as well as having a basic outlet format stores. German company Aldi started to go global after Second World War, time characterised by common market in European countries, which means it was time when trade barriers were reduced and goods and production factors ( labour, capital, technology) could freely move from country to country. As this company was already big enough to invest in other country it firstly invested in Austria, country which borders on Germany. Austria was mostly influenced by Germany culture, so it was a good idea for the company’s first experience in investing abroad as the culture differences were not so big. The same as Aldi, Lidl company focuses on discount markets, larger supermarkets and cash and carry wholesale markets. At first, Lidl copied Aldi as much as possible, although in time Lidl took completely different strategy and added more articles to their assortment and new innovative approaches. 1. a Market entry strategy of Aldi and Lidl FDI (foreign direct investment)is an equity mode for companies which want to export their products or services. Aldi and Lidl decided to invest abroad to expand their business and some of the benefits of doing so are : cheaper labour costs, infrastructure quality , economic growth or market size of the host country. Aldi and Lidl are both ‘grocery discounters’ and to save money these companies build up their stores in suburban areas and remote districts where they can save money on rent or on purchase prices of properties and being a ‘grocery discounter’ Is a good strategy to expand their business abroad. Economic and political environment in the home country is influential on company’s decision to go international. Power and prestige is another influence on Aldi’s and Lidl decision going global. The companies want to become successful, popular and powerful. They want to become an example for the rest of the world and gain global market power. That is why Aldi and Lidl decided to go global. Aldi and Lidl were mostly entering other countries markets through Greenfield investment. Greenfield investment is a form of foreign direct investment which means setting up an entirely new foreign facility in the host country. These two companies wanted to keep their brand all over the world and have full control over their business. Although Greenfield investment is not always the best way to enter the foreign market. Although in Aldi’s and Lidl’s case it was the best way to enter the foreign market, as the primarily aim for these two companies was to promote their own brand and to manage their business in the way these two companies wanted. So in some cases companies should go for Greenfield type investment and in other cases acquisitions are more beneficial. Advantages and disadvantages of entering market through greenfield investment are discussed further. . b Advantages and disadvantages of greenfield investment For the host country, it is beneficial if a company invests through greenfield type of investment, although the effects of FDI (foreign direct investment) differ in different regions and countries. For example, Brazil have attracted foreign direct investment but mostly it was non Greenfield, while India attracted mostly Greenfield investments although it is possible to suggest that generally it has failed to attract any FDI. But Indian economy is growing whereas Brazil has remained without any improvements. So some examples also show that Greenfield investments are more beneficial for the host countries. Although such point of view can be argued. As, for example, in Aldi’s case entering different countries markets in 1950th (after the Second World War, when the time faced shortage of goods) was beneficial for host countries as such companies as Aldi was bringing market growth to the host country at that time. Comparing to acquisition’s type of investment Traditionally acquisitions or privatizations of stated-owned enterprises were considered as evolvement of developed countries , although in years the situation had changed. It became beneficial for developed countries invest in developing countries through cross-border acquisitions , as these countries could buy enterprises assets at cheap prices . But it was also beneficial for developing countries for their opportunity for market growth. Investing through cross-border acquisitions can be beneficial for those who want to enrich their multinational experience, international strategy , cultural differences between the home country and host country and other. That is why Aldi entered Austria (first country abroad) via acquisition. This company did not have any multinational experience and entering through acquisition helped them to learn a lot about different country, understand how other markets operate and gain experience in creating new international strategies. Andersson and Svensson (1996) came to the conclusion that a firm with strong organizational skills prefer acquiring an existing company in the host country, while firms with strong technological skills favour greenfield operations. Applying this study it is possible to consider that Aldi and Lidl have strong technological skills. Investing through greenfield investment means operating fast, being organised and meet the requirements of the demanding customers. And case study proves that: ‘with their altered product and service strategies, Lidl and Aldi are trying to meet the requirements of their demanding local customers. ’ Another interesting finding is that Greenfield FDI has a stronger positive impact on GDP compared to that of domestic investment, (as in Austria where Aldi invested. It is one of the richest countries comparing Gross domestic product per capita ), a country with strong and stable economy attracts Greenfield investment more, whereas Greenfield investment is more attractive for underdeveloped countries. Advantages of greenfield investment The economic growth of the host country is one of the most important determinants for Greenfield investment considerations. Such investment was primarily considered by Aldi and then by lidl because the companies wanted to promote their own brand, and they promoted their names in the host countries. These companies did not need to share any profit with anyone else as well as controlled and operated their business and organizational culture in their own way and in the way they wanted it to. They also created new production capacity and linkages to the global marketplace. For the host countries where Lidl and Aldi invested, greenfield investment was beneficial as such investments create new job opportunities , the companies invest in research and development and invest in additional capital programs. Disadvantages of greenfield investment Although starting from the scratch ( investing through the Greenfield type investment) was not easy for them. Aldi and Lidl did not understand anything about the host country’s culture, market or country’s regulations in which they wanted to invest. Investing in the host country through the Greenfield investment was also risky because the companies did not know how well local companies were established in the country, they did not understand how did everything work in that country , so it took a long time for them getting to know that country. So reactive reasons ( actions for getting the information about the foreign market) were not enough to get understanding of the foreign market. Also Greenfield investment costs much more than cross-border acquisition investment, so mostly only big companies ( like Aldi and Lidl) which can invest good amount of money in another country can afford to invest through the Greenfield investment. Also such investments were dangerous for domestic companies, as competition was growing and domestic companies could lose their market share while international companies Aldi and Lidl were growing and expanding in the home country. . a Aldi’s strategy in the UK and Switzerland Entering such markets as UK or Swiss high-price market, meant creating a new strategy of enlarging Aldi’s products and offering higher level of service. As for example, Switzerland market was mostly shared by three largest companies Micros, Coop and Denner ( 80% of market) , so it was firstly, brave enough entering such market, and secondly, if entering such market that meant creating new more attractive product offers for customers with high level of services. Aldi in UK and Switzerland was trying to concentrate on 700 products for daily use in these two countries as well as adapting to new eating habits and consumption habits typical for the customers. As from the case study, director Martin Bailie explained : ‘It’s not all pan-European buying; we have to look what UK customers want’. Also it is important to note that entering Swiss market meant making prices higher so that they could adapt to Swiss market and provide necessary level of service. Having said so, the company had strategy to become the cheapest underclass-discounter in UK and Switzerland fulfilling costumers needs. Buying goods in great volume from the same supplier , not spending money on brand promotion and fancy displays approach helped Aldi to achieve their guaranteed price range and become successful in the markets. Buying goods from the same supplier gave them opportunity to investigate product quality in special test kitchens and improve products quality if it was necessary. Saving money on fancy displays and advertisements helped them reduce goods prices. As from the case study, Aldi realized that by adaptation to local needs the company can successfully develop a foreign market and become prospering in different countries, as Switzerland and UK. 2. b risks of taking such strategy It is clear that UK and Switzerland have different culture than Germany, so customers approach to shopping also differs. As from the case study : ‘In Germany, cheap equates to value. By contrast, in the UK low prices are not necessarily equated with value and are more associated with poor quality. ’ That is why grocery discounter may seem suspicious for them. People might think that low price goods means not really good quality, especially if customers realise that the company grows and prospers. So customers might not want to buy bad quality products (especially food) even knowing that it is cheaper. So the biggest risk for grocery discounter in such countries is bad reputation. 3. a Aldi and Lidl Internationalisation Although it is possible to say that Lidl copied Aldi’s business their strategy became completely different. Achieving strategic advantage was primarily influence on Aldi deciding to open stores in Europe, Australia and in the USA or on Lidl restricting their expansion in particular European countries till 2009. Strategy decision-making depended on company’s targets , planning and volume of expansion . Aldi and Lidl are competitors so it was obvious that these two companies would try to differ their strategies in different ways. It is possible to consider that Lidl was trying to build its strategy decision-making on Aldi’s experience, but Lidl’s strategic advantage achievements became more adventurous . So Aldi’s and Lidl’s strategies were focused on different goals. As from the case study, Lidl was focused on expansion in markets where ‘no competitor had been present previously’, whereas Aldi would wait till retail sector matured. Also as it was said previously, Lidl was mostly focused on expansion in European countries whereas Aldi expanded in USA, Australia and Europe. There are advantages and disadvantages of Aldi’s strategy. Advantages The USA and Australia are very big countries and these countries have huge target market. Exporting there means selling more than in Europe. Consumers in these countries are generally interested in products as in UK, and Aldi has experience in selling its products in UK. So selling in these countries for Aldi means selling more goods and better promote the brand. Disadvantages So Aldi promotes its brand worldwide, but to that the company needs a lot of resources to control it. It is much harder to control the business in the USA and Australia as these countries are very big. Whereas selling in Europe is easier to control and manage. Also controlling the company in such countries as USA and Australia means creating strategies for each region separately whereas selling in Europe Lidl can create only one strategy for all countries . So it is a huge responsibility for Aldi to manage its business all over the world. 3. b Lidl strategy until 2020 The impact of the Lidl name outside the German borders is astonishing when considering that very little information is leaked to the publicity about its future plans. ’ (M. Moesgaard Andersen Flemming Poulfelt, 2006) Although from the case study it is clear that Lidl plans are to expand its business in Brazil, Mexico, Russia and the USA. The countries where Lidl want to export are culturally completely different as well as geographically much bigger than Europe. So internationalisation to these countries needs new and well-organised strategies to each of the countries. As Lidl was mostly focusing on Europe it will be a big challenge for the company to enter these markets. So considering this, firstly, I would recommend to expand its business in countries where its main competitor Aldi hasn’t stores. Countries in which Lidl operates at the moment. This map shows in which countries Lidl operates at the moment. There is a list of countries in which ALdi operates at the moment: Australia Austria Belgium Denmark France Germany Great Britain Hungary Ireland Luxemburg Netherlands Poland Portugal Slovenia Spain Switzerland USA As from the map it is clear that Lidl was mostly focusing on Western countries, so I would recommend to enter Baltic countries markets and other Eastern European countries first. There is no Aldi in Baltic countries as well, and if talking about these countries markets they are not as competitive as other European countries. So it would be a great opportunity for Lidl. Entering the Baltic countries markets and other Eastern European countries would help Lidl to gain recognition of European countries as ‘strong brand throughout Europe’. Afterwards, I would recommend to enter Russian market. Russia is the biggest country in the world and target market is huge. Russia doesn’t have very competitive market and supermarkets, I would say , would become very popular over there. Also Aldi doesn’t have any store there. Although this country’s culture differs from other European countries and at first it would very challenging for Lidl. Conclusion To conclude with, the grocery retailing industry will always be profitable, especially knowing that worldwide annual sales volume ofâ‚ ¬ 3. trillion in 2007 and an average annual sales growth is 2. 7 percent during the past ten years. And it is obviously the most important sector in the world as people cannot survive without food , drinks and other groceries. Although companies operating in this sector and considering going global must decide which strategy would be best for their expansion, promotion and prosperity. Lidl’s and Aldi’s expansion became very successful and for the future these two companies must consider their expansion very carefully to achieve their goals and enlarge their revenues.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Keys to Recovery and Success of Simmons Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Keys to Recovery and Success of Simmons - Essay Example Taking the Simmons example, the sales department of the company was making redundant phone calls to large retail and furniture stores while the retail vogue had changed to customers preferring local stores. But the company following past trends had missed this development and had not analyzed the situation in its proper context to avail and keep abreast of the situation and change accordingly. Moreover, taking into perspective the marketing strategy, the firm was still focused on the 4 P's of marketing and the communication was complicated and unfocused, making sense only to the company and its marketers. Therefore, the company had to revisit its communication strategy to make it more effective for receivers and the target was shifted from the conventional 4 P's of marketing to the four basic drivers of sales: positioning, purchase and post-purchase satisfaction and product trials. Along with these issues arrogance with success also led to the downfall of the organization when the company failed to listen to its employees and the CEO was neglected to be informed of inconsistencies in the implementation of the new vision and the culture of change and learning. As the Executive Leadership Team was not ‘walking-the-talk’ in terms of following and believing in the organizational culture, feedback from internal and external sources was not forthcoming depriving the organization of valuable insight into the situation and making the organization’s employees and customers feel that the ideas were being ‘thrust’ upon them. This led to discord and a feeling of disassociation with organizational values among employees. Hence, it is imperative for an organization to have a firm base in terms of strategy, organizational structure and culture and keep on learning and focus on constant improvement. Some may argue that strategy is more importa nt than structure or that culture is the most prevalent factor in success. But the verified truth is that all three are important components in building upon a company’s success.Â
Friday, October 18, 2019
What Strategies are currently used in the outdoor learning environment Essay
What Strategies are currently used in the outdoor learning environment to support childrens development within the Early Years - Essay Example It can play a critical role in the development of these children because it provides a different perspective to the learning process. This is more so if the children are in the early years, what is commonly referred to as the Early Years Foundation Stage (Perry 2001). Research has shown that the act of being indoors has a positive impact on the child’s sense of well-being while also contributing to the various aspects of the child’s development. Being outdoors gives the young children an opportunity to make full use of their senses, to explore their surrounding and an opportunity to be physically active (Jones 2004). They get an opportunity to experience firsthand contact with the natural world more so the seasons and the weather. This is in sharp contrast to the confined environment of the classrooms; children also get an opportunity to do things differently than when they are indoors. This type of all rounded approach to learning is very critical to the progress of the child. Outdoor learning is usually remembered for long periods of time after the lessons have taken place. This is because; the outdoor experiences and adventures indulged in add to the relevance and depth to what is learnt in indoor environments. It influences the literacy and numeracy by making it possible to use theories learnt elsewhere (Saracho 2002). Children can use maps, charts, spoken word, measuring angles and bearings. It gives them a deeper meaning of the information. Educational practitioners are increasingly making use of the external environment as a tool for learning because of various reasons. Most important is that the environment has certain unique characteristics and features that can be adapted to offer valuable learning experiences to the children. Given that development has an all rounded agenda, it has been found that outdoor learning has the same value as indoor learning and both should be given priority. Another key
Website Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Website Review - Essay Example The next section discusses the various chronological events discussed in the life of E.E. Cummings with all dates included. It provides various links to his works and related materials like poems, essays, paintings, other forms of work. The following are the contents and its evaluation: It takes in as input the date of birth, a month of birth, year of birth, sex, mode, BMI, smoking status and then calculates one death day and date. It is a tool which works on primary inputs and makes sure that BMI can be calculated and also lets the user know to calculate the death date, thereby calling it the death clock. It demonstrates itself into â€Å"Obituaries†which mention that all the people may how beautiful and famous they are they would perish away from this earth one day. The page â€Å"Your Will†is a FAQ page which lists the very questions one may have or usually do on an average. All the probable answers are written here to let the users know what they are thinking. The page â€Å"Dead letter office’ would make sure that all the user comments and archives The page â€Å"Testament†details the likes and dislikes of the site owner in accordance to various topics like â€Å"A game†, â€Å"Death Clock 2†, â€Å"Planet of the Apes†, â€Å"911†, â€Å"I hate my Cd burner†and much more. The last page â€Å"Your Prayer†details out the various communication techniques to reach the site owner for ay communication. The website would make sure that all the various compliances are met for the site owner and all the objectives are achieved through the website.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Transportation and Distribution Management - Discuss the importance of Essay
Transportation and Distribution Management - Discuss the importance of air transportation to global trade. Cite a real-world ca - Essay Example Air transportation is now considered as one of the major facilitators of global trade. It offers enormous benefits to the consumers. Some of the major benefits offered by air transportation are wider coverage, fastest means of communication, and high security among various other advantages. The purpose of the study is to uncover the importance of air transport or aviation in the process of facilitating international trade. The importance of air transport in the global trade will be further supported by real world examples. In this context some real examples will be provided to depict the importance of aviation. Apart from that the report will also shed light on various areas, pertaining to the importance of aviation in cross border transaction. The advantages of making use of air transport will be also highlighted. Finally the report will conclude highlighting the extant up to which air transport acts as the facilitator of international trade. Discussion This section will mainly high light the relevant theories and practical examples of air transport to depict its importance in the world trade. Air Transport and Economic Growth Like any other means of transportation, Air transport is allied with global trade in two different ways. First, air transport is used as a service mechanism, and secondly it is being used as a crucial intermediate service provider for a number of trading activities such as tourism. Numerous studies have illuminated the fact that it is important for every country (mostly developing countries) to focus on ensuring an effective, efficient and consistent air transport to gain maximum, from the activities of international trade. With rapid globalization and increased cross border trade activities, the importance of air transport got a greater boost. In addition, the significance is expected to further enhance due to rapid technological innovation, increased market access of multinational companies and deregulation (WTO, 2005). Despite the incr easing importance, the industry has passed through difficult times. The industry constantly struggles in order to survive and sustain in the market place. Whenever a big carrier gets into problem, they make headline and if they collapses the economy of that country gets highly affected. This depicts how air transport is important even for the national economy. Air transport is thus considered to be one of the most important industries of the world. Besides its service and technical achievements makes it as a supreme contributor towards the growth and advancement of modern society. The growth is also unmatched with any other form of transportation. The rising demand of air transport is also for the reason of increasing cross border trade activities. It facilitates rapid movement of people from one place to the other and also makes possible to transport goods worth billions of dollars to several markets throughout the globe (Air Transport Action Group, 2005, p.4). Air Transport and Gl obal Trade The most important economic benefit offered by air transport on the global trade is the ‘spin-off effect’. It plays a crucial role towards the promotion of financial growth in countries around the world. Air transport offers
Reality television Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Reality television - Essay Example Reality shows are usually produced in the form of series, which include a bundle of events and dramatic situations. Some reality shows feature celebrities whereas some shows consist of ordinary people. The prize for the winners of the reality shows is usually very astonishing and attractive, which makes celebrities and ordinary people participate in the shows. Reality television shows in the UK have a mass appeal (Hill 2). The reality shows such as Big Brother, Wife Swap, and The Biggest Loser have been able to mark great success in the television industry. Reality television shows have become a real source of entertainment for the people and a source of generating high profits for the organizers. The thesis statement for this essay is, â€Å"Does reality television represent ‘real life’?†Let us now discuss this statement in order to know whether reality television shows are close to real life or not. In my view, the reality television shows do not represent a real life. I think reality television shows focus more on providing entertainment to the viewers rather than focusing on the essence of real life. Real life is very different from what is usually presented in the reality shows. Although the actions of a person in a reality show are based on different experiences of real life, yet the actions deviate from what that person does in his real life. â€Å"A reality show is not to be confused with a documentary, in which the subjects are asked to ignore the cameras and behave naturally†(Pollick). Real life is a mixture of different experiences and situations. Real life, as the name suggests, refers to reality in life rather than brining in some unnatural events in the life. In reality shows, people try to achieve things differently as compared to what they do in real life. The acts of a person are influenced by the artificial environment, which is created by the show organ izers. In
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Transportation and Distribution Management - Discuss the importance of Essay
Transportation and Distribution Management - Discuss the importance of air transportation to global trade. Cite a real-world ca - Essay Example Air transportation is now considered as one of the major facilitators of global trade. It offers enormous benefits to the consumers. Some of the major benefits offered by air transportation are wider coverage, fastest means of communication, and high security among various other advantages. The purpose of the study is to uncover the importance of air transport or aviation in the process of facilitating international trade. The importance of air transport in the global trade will be further supported by real world examples. In this context some real examples will be provided to depict the importance of aviation. Apart from that the report will also shed light on various areas, pertaining to the importance of aviation in cross border transaction. The advantages of making use of air transport will be also highlighted. Finally the report will conclude highlighting the extant up to which air transport acts as the facilitator of international trade. Discussion This section will mainly high light the relevant theories and practical examples of air transport to depict its importance in the world trade. Air Transport and Economic Growth Like any other means of transportation, Air transport is allied with global trade in two different ways. First, air transport is used as a service mechanism, and secondly it is being used as a crucial intermediate service provider for a number of trading activities such as tourism. Numerous studies have illuminated the fact that it is important for every country (mostly developing countries) to focus on ensuring an effective, efficient and consistent air transport to gain maximum, from the activities of international trade. With rapid globalization and increased cross border trade activities, the importance of air transport got a greater boost. In addition, the significance is expected to further enhance due to rapid technological innovation, increased market access of multinational companies and deregulation (WTO, 2005). Despite the incr easing importance, the industry has passed through difficult times. The industry constantly struggles in order to survive and sustain in the market place. Whenever a big carrier gets into problem, they make headline and if they collapses the economy of that country gets highly affected. This depicts how air transport is important even for the national economy. Air transport is thus considered to be one of the most important industries of the world. Besides its service and technical achievements makes it as a supreme contributor towards the growth and advancement of modern society. The growth is also unmatched with any other form of transportation. The rising demand of air transport is also for the reason of increasing cross border trade activities. It facilitates rapid movement of people from one place to the other and also makes possible to transport goods worth billions of dollars to several markets throughout the globe (Air Transport Action Group, 2005, p.4). Air Transport and Gl obal Trade The most important economic benefit offered by air transport on the global trade is the ‘spin-off effect’. It plays a crucial role towards the promotion of financial growth in countries around the world. Air transport offers
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Organ toxicity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Organ toxicity - Essay Example The thing about toxicants is that there are many different potential, forms, means of exposure, plus reactions due to a combination of exposures that can make determining the safest levels like fitting together a puzzle where the pieces keep changing. Some toxicants are inhaled, absorbed through skin, or ingested, generally, and once inside the body the effects these toxicants may behave entirely differently, in the nature of symptoms, reactions, and what part of the body they target, so to speak. A â€Å"target organ†or â€Å"target tissue†is a specific organ in body that will be more affected by the toxin, while the rest of the body may not be affected at all. For example benzene specifically affects blood-forming tissues and lead focuses on the central nervous system, hematopoietic system, and the kidneys (National Library of Medicine, 2009). Not all individuals or individual organs react exactly the same way. It is the job of toxicologists to determine exactly wha t toxins cause the greatest reactions and what the actual organ toxicity is. The liver is probably one of the hardest working organs in the body. It plays a huge role in digestion, the breaking down of substances, and stores important vitamins and minerals. One of the most important roles that the liver plays is during the process of detoxification. The detoxification process occurs in two phases and is responsible for removing harmful toxins from the body through a complex series of chemical reactions. There are various nutrients and enzymes that are required in order for the Phase I detoxification process to be carried out successfully. The byproduct of this process results in the formation of metabolites that can be more harmful, on occasion, than the original toxin. Phase II prevents there from being a buildup of these metabolites (Farr, 2002). The liver is, also, an organ that can easily suffer from hepatoxicity because of its active role in absorption, digestion, and detoxification. The liver also is subject to many conditions, influenced by toxicants, that can cause disease, damage, or organ death; conditions like hepatic necrosis, intrahepatic cholestasis, hepatic cancer, cirrhosis and these are just a few; there are many other examples (National Library of Medicine, 2009). Human beings and plants share this world but they are entirely different life forms and they differ in what toxicants they react strongly too and the symptoms that the exposure causes. Gasoline is a clear or light brown liquid with a very strong odor. Gasolines contains at least a hundred and fifty different chemicals, including benzene and, sometimes, lead. Gasoline is a necessity of the modern world, it is used as fuel for machinery, vehicles, of course, and sometimes as a solvent ("National library of," 2012). The target organs of Gasoline are dependent on the way it is absorbed; the skin, eyes, central nervous system, liver, kidneys, and respiratory system are typical. The exposed person would show signs of skin and eye irritation, weakness, headache, bl urry vision, confusion, and even convulsions. Under extreme exposure conditions it can prove to be carcinogenic (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2011). Plant life responds differently. For plants it has now been proven that exposure to gasoline fumes can cause immediate toxic reactions in plants of differing and multiple species. Within a few hours, no longer than 6, the exposed plants have shown drooping and browning of the leaves. Asbestos is, in fact, a group of six different fibrous minerals that form in certain types of rock and soil. Asbestos has no taste or smell and its
Culture and Cognition Essay Example for Free
Culture and Cognition Essay Culture may be defined as a combination of different traits of a social group. These traits or ways of life can be language, arts, sciences, thoughts, spirituality, social activities, interactions, and many more (â€Å"Definition†, n. d. ). The world has many peoples and thus many cultures, thus each has their own beliefs, traditions, and customs. Another characteristic of a certain culture may be cognition. Because of human diversity in traditions and customs, there is also diversity in intelligence. According to Cole, Gay, Glick, and Sharp (as cited in Sternberg, 2004), certain behaviors may be smart in one culture but plainly stupid in another (1971). Culture and Intelligence According to Robert Sternberg in his article entitled â€Å"Culture and Intelligence†, intelligence cannot be fully measured, developed, and conceptualized when it is outside the cultural context. This creates an impression that intelligence is a norm and being a deviant from that norm would mean less intelligence (2004, p. 1). An example given by Sternberg about intelligence tests shows an evidence of his argument. Any intelligence test created in one culture may not be valid in another culture. Sternberg also constructed models in order to determine if the culture has a significant effect on intelligence. On the third model, the dimensions of intelligence are the same as with the other models. However, the instruments used are different from the other models. The measurement process was therefore derived from the culture being studied and not from outside it. As this is done, the psychological meanings of the scores of the assessments change from one culture to another. Culture and Cognition Intelligence is just one of the cognitive characteristics of man. Culture, as well as social systems has a role in developing the people’s system of thought. This is according to Richard Nisbett, Incheol Choi, Laiping Peng, and Ara Norenzayan, when they studied the difference between easterners and westerners in terms of cognitive processes (2001). They stated that east Asians are holistic in their cognitive processes, focusing on an entire field and its causality. On the other hand, westerners such as Americans are analytic because they pay more attention on the object and the categories, making use of rules such as formal logic. The authors of this article suggest that the origin of these differences is traceable to different social systems (p. 291). They were able to conclude that there is still a very great difference between cultures. It is because of the circumstances brought about by these cultures that one process will always be different from another. Furthermore, the norms or the normative standards for though will differ across cultures (p. 306). The influence of culture has many implications in cognition. This insight may change the very definition of intelligence as related to different social systems. This also has a great effect in cognitive assessment since one measuring tool may not be appropriate for all cultures. Although international communication is already established, this information would give more understanding to people as to how others with different cultures are different to them in terms of learning styles, perception, and other aspects of cognition. It would also change the perception on people who are considered as intellectually inferior since intelligence no longer focuses on a dominant or normative standard set by those perceived as superior. References â€Å"Definition of Culture†, (n. d. ). Roshan Culture Heritage Institute. Retrieved 24 May 2010 from http://www. roshan-institute. org/templates/System/details. asp? id=39783PID =474552. Nisbett, R. E. , Peng, K. , Choi, I. , Norenzayan, A. (2001). Culture and Systems of Thought: Holistic versus Analytic Cognition. Psychological Review. 108(2), pp. 291-310. Sternberg, R. (2004). â€Å"Culture and Intelligence†. American Psychologist. 59(5), pp. 325- 338.
Monday, October 14, 2019
A market strategy for a wedding reception venue business
A market strategy for a wedding reception venue business Amandas Ballroom Reception is a newly established wedding reception venue business that caters for couples of ALL ages, nationalities and traditions who wish to engage in the beautiful sacrament of marriage. The sole owner of the business, Ms. Amanda Abboud, will take full responsibility for any debts incurred in the business, and receiving no profits during the establishment phase of the business, making it a Sole Trading Business, that is, an unincorporated business with unlimited liability. The establishment and growth phase of Amandas Ballroom Reception will definitely face obstacles at times, but with greater advertising, a lot more awareness of the business, and consumer loyalty, the business is sure to become successful and profitable, and satisfies all customers. Although the business consists of one owner, employees are needed to assist the running of the business including a manager, receptionist, caterers/cooks, waiters, a host and cleaners. The business needs to ensure that all employees abide by all legislations, including OHS and EEO legislation acts, to prevent injury and sustain a great and enjoyable working environment at all times. Amandas Ballroom Reception consists of no more than 20 employees, and because it is a non-manufacturing organisation, is classified as a Small Business. Amandas Ballroom Reception is located in the Bankstown area as the business concentrates on hosting mainly traditional Lebanese weddings, because of the high number of Lebanese residents in the area, as well as other multicultural feasts and celebrations which helps meet demand. Although Bankstown consists of a number of very popular wedding reception venues already established, it increases competition for all businesses, but will also provide greater variety for the community, as only one big wedding reception in a large suburb will not suffice. In order to establish and maintain a successful business, a mission statement is useful for decision making for the business long term future. The main objectives include Gaining consumer loyalty and trust Sustaining a healthy environment to work for employees Providing sufficient amounts of profit Expand awareness by advertising outside the local area. BUSINESS DESCRIPTION AND OWNERSHIP Amandas Ballroom Reception business was created to give consumers a wide variety of options to offer the fairytale wedding people dream of through food, catering, decorations and setting. Amandas Ballroom Reception is a tertiary industry whose prime function is to provide a service for those couples ready to take each others hand in marriage. It is also a market niche, as it specialises in providing celebrations of marriage. It aims to gain consumer loyalty and trust by providing honesty and great service to the public, sustaining a healthy environment to work for all employees, producing sufficient amounts of profit in order for the business to expand and become national, and expand awareness by advertising outside the local area through various forms of media. The legal structure of Amandas Ballroom Reception is a Sole Trader where only the owner takes full responsibility for any debts, and receives little or no profits during the establishment phase. Amandas Ballroom Reception will therefore be an unincorporated business, which comes with unlimited liability, which means that any debts incurred in the business will fall solely under the owner/s responsibility, that that they must repay debts by selling person assets in order to earn any source of funds. The establishment and growth phase of the business will definitely face ups and downs, especially as the owner is an entrepreneur taking the risk in opening a new business with little skill or knowledge, but with greater consumer awareness the business will hopefully become successful and profitable. Amandas Ballroom Reception will contain no more than 20 employees, including caterers, cookers, cleaners and decorators, making it a small business. The location in which the business will open is the Bankstown area because it business will concentrate on hosting mainly traditional Lebanese weddings with customary food, music and entertainment because of the high population of Lebanese in this area, as well as many other multicultural weddings and feasts which will help meet demand. Considering this area contains a number of other wedding reception venues, it will allow larger variety for consumers. Amandas Ballroom Reception is associated with providing a service for those couples looking to get married. Not only does the business provide a venue and food, but will create an enjoyable atmosphere for all ages during a great celebration. Amandas Ballroom Reception is a responsible event organiser and offers what any other business would plus much more. This business is definitely recommended because the service is outstanding and consumers will get exactly what they ask for, which is the key quality of providing a great service to the community. The prime function of the business is providing great service for the community. Putting a smile on peoples faces is definitely important to the business, as gaining consumer loyalty and trust is very important, which is exactly outlined in the firms mission statement. From satisfying customers, the business will slowly become more profitable which is one of the main aims of any business existing. Not only does this wedding reception venue business offer a great variety of reception rooms, entertainment and food, but the business will also help organise a unique ceremony or any couples beforehand. By providing any requirements by to customers to create their dream wedding, it offers anything you can think of to create a day that a husband and his wife will not forget. PURPOSE OF PLAN AND SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS The purpose of writing a business plan is to ensure the greatest likelihood of success to the owner/s. It is important that all internal stakeholders understand clearly what needs to be done, and keep actual up-to-date market research in order to gain realism and accuracy in forecasting. This process should result in choosing the most appropriate and beneficial strategy, enabling the business to achieve its goals. Also, the business plan should be updated regularly to ensure it parallels a changing business environment. Usually, the major goals remain the same but the strategies used may differ according to different internal or external environmental factors. The business plan must be realistic in order to meet all goals required. Writing out a business plan will help in making Amandas Ballroom Reception all the more successful, with well planned strategies and goals to generate a flourishing business. A plan is a scheme or method of taking action, which will make all elements of a successful business all the more clear. A mission statement included in the plan will initiate a start of the vision the business hopes to be in the future. Goals are the overall accomplishments that a business plans to achieve in the long-term, short-term and during its day-to-day running. Different goals are set for all business, (social, financial, personal and environmental) and vary depending on their own individual profession. Different goals are listed as part of the business plan to ensure that they cater a great service for a wide range of people, as well as gaining a personal achievement. These include- Operations Improve rostering and scheduling processes of arranging staff. Use latest technology to help business perform different functions. Finance Improve management accounting and reports for simple decision making. Minimise debt finance. Reduce credit sales. Strategic Goals Marketing Determine consumer buying patterns. Employment Relations Increase wages and salaries for all employees. Improve the skills of managers and employees. Use retained earnings as rewards to employees. Reduce overdraft. Improve skill in calculating revenue statements, balance sheets and cash-flow statements. Improve lead time, so production is completed more efficiently. Accurately measure productivity to determine improvements in the business. To conduct Investigate existing competitors in the market. Ensure employees abide by anti-discrimination and EEO legislations. Social Goals Provide employment and career paths for residents Donations towards Charities Sponsorships Fundraisers Work efficiently and as a team with employees. Keep loyal to anti-discrimination acts and Equal Employment Opportunity legislation. Financial Goals Achieve sales growth Attain a profit in the first two years of running of business. Increasing market share Quick growth of service Personal Goals Own a successful business Gain consumer loyalty and trust Sense of achievement Leadership Friendship with employees. Environmental Goals Use environmental protection initiatives Recycling plastics and cardboard. Minimise the use of fuels and process sewage. A Situational Analysis looks at internal and external environments of the business to identify factors that affect the running of the business, whether the factors are modifiable or not. It also helps establish the current position of the business. A SWOT analysis can help establish a current position, and helps analyse reasons for the position of the firm. Strengths (S) Skilled workers Great reputation Good financial position and location Good technology Excellent communication system Great advertising Weaknesses (W) Unexperienced managers Needs improvement in innovation Lack of consumer awareness Opportunities (O) Expanding to newer and bigger locations Buying out competitors Changing government regulation Add-on services for the reception venue business will become available. Expanding the business nationally Threats (T) Competitors! Increased rent Changing government regulations Increasing inflation Increasing raw material prices Increased tax A factor limiting present operations is the new establishment of Amandas Ballroom Reception. The fact that it is newly opened evades the fast provision of the service this business provides. The establishment and growth phase of the business will definitely face obstacles, as any other newly opened business, but with greater advertising, the business will soon become successful and profitable and demanded by many. The main competitive advantages of the business over competitors is that not only does it cater for a specific nationality, tradition or age group, but has a wide range of choices to suite everybodys taste or idea of a PERFECT wedding. The latest wedding reception venue business in Bankstown will most likely attract attention by a highly populated area, where they may like to trial the newest business and compare to existing businesses nearby. A definite competitor in the area is the very popular reception venue, The Bellevue. Establishing Amandas Ballroom Reception close-by will definitely increase competition and tension for both businesses, but at the same time will provide greater variety for the community, as only one big wedding reception venue in a large suburb will not suffice. Competitor Analysis Comparing a competitors state of their business by using the SWOT analysis to a new business analysis can make clear where improvements need to be made in order to win over the opponent. Strengths (S) Great amount of experience Well-known by the community Experienced managers Skilled workers Great reputation Weaknesses (W) Poor choice of location No innovation people like change! Do not advertise Opportunities (O) Can buy out smaller competitors (they may choose to buy Amandas Ballroom Reception if it is not successful enough. Threats (T) Competitors! Increased rent Increased inflation Increased tax Product Analysis Amandas Ballroom Reception is a newly formed business, therefore making it still part of the establishment phase in the business life cycle. Throughout this phase, the business will face many challenges; however, will also encounter challenges from all areas during its existence. Establishment Phase Customers/ retailers are not familiar with the product or the business so they might not invest in the service of this business they are unfamiliar with, which may result in longer periods of time for the business to get up and running.. Profit will be slow to begin with because expenses are higher than sales revenue, generating a loss for the business. The business needs to undertake expensive promotion strategies in order to advertise the product and make it familiar with consumers. Growth Phase Rapid increases in sales of service as consumers are more alert of the firm. Adequate cash flow must be maintained to continue the rapid expansion and sustain success. Competitors such as other wedding reception venues will be more aware of the improvements of the business, and therefore act on these improvements. Maturity Phase Sales level off and start to plateau. Focus on cutting costs as profits will now be generated. Time to employ more experienced managers to keep the business under control. Introduce a new work team and pay bonuses like fringe benefits to keep them motivated. Post-Maturity Phase Innovation, therefore increasing cash-flow and will attract customers. Cash-flow problems may start to emerge, so cutting down costs will be the best option to take. The state of the business may remain at a steady-state, or can fluctuate by increasing sales, or decline. BUSINESS OBJECTIVES AND STRATEGIES Whether this is the clients first wedding, a renewal of their vows or their anniversary, the business is interested in every detail of their event to be both a pleasurable and a memorable experience. Therefore, Amandas Wedding Reception business offers a host of packages and services specifically tailored to the needs of each couple. I am confident that this business venture will be a success. If everything runs to plan, net income is estimated to increase modestly by the second year. The keys to our success are as follows Service the clients needs promptly and efficiently. Maintain an excellent working relationship with vendors, e.g. florists. Maintain a professional image at all times Different objectives are necessary in making the business successful and achieve the highest possible outcome. Some objectives include Improve consumer awareness. This can be achieved by expanding the knowledge of this new business through different forms of advertising. Advertising through television, local newspapers, radio and billboards will hopefully attract the correct target market, that is, couples ready to celebrate their marriage. Create a great working environment. Keeping employees happy with their work environment is essential for a successful business. Making sure they all have equal rights, and abiding by the anti-discrimination and EEO legislations. Also providing them with their wages and fringe benefits they are entitles to. Becoming a threat to our competitors. By continuously providing innovative ideas and offering the services to the market, where more and more consumers will be fascinated and our firm will expand and meet demand. Extending management and business skills. By improving entrepreneurial skills of the owner, improvements in the ability to make good ideas will arise that will help in the profitability of the firm. As skills will increase, so too will the ability to complete a task, and therefore, they may choose to expand my business all around the nation. Possibly by more experienced owners buying the business, different ideas and trains of thought will be exchanged. Sustaining a good reputation! Keeping the communities promises, and providing them with even more than they expect will definitely keep reputation at a steady state and possibly increase. This can be done by staying loyal and true to all customers as they are the ones taking risks and trusting us to give any service required. Goals should be Specific to the area. What needs to be improved and what is being kept efficient should always be taken into consideration in determining how well the business is doing, and if any improvements are required. The quality of the service should be Measurable in what is advertised to provide. Supplying less than what consumers expect can see the demand for the business to decrease, and face down-fall. The working conditions for employees and owners should be Achievable, and have sufficient times off work for a break and to catch up in their personal lives. Ensuring the business provides Realistic services to the community, and only provides what can be promised, based on the amount of resources and funds available. Ensuring the business runs on Time and what is promised to completed by that moment to satisfy a consumers highest expectation and beyond, and also making sure that quality does not decrease by doing this. DESCRIPTION OF THE PRODUCT/SERVICE Amandas Ballroom Reception specialises in making the day that all men and women dream of come true! It specialises in planning, creating and producing the whole marriage celebration, after the couples have agreed to spend the rest of their lives together. This day is one of the happiest days that any human will endure, and the business aims to make that day an even happier one! No matter what the age, Amandas Ballroom Reception will cater every aspect of the celebration depending on your preferences. The business is open 7 days a week from 8am to 5pm, which is enough time for any couple to enquire about all of their special offers, and how it is PROMISED to make your day truly one you will not forget. Customers can feel free to contact the business on 97072468 or the business owner, Amanda Abboud, on 0412345678. The website also provides location and pricing details. It is guaranteed consumers will be shocked on how much is offered. The business provides 2 different rooms with various themes that will make the celebration look all the more classy and elegant. The different rooms also cater for the amount of people you are willing to have to celebrate the special day with you. The Ball room is an elegant decor and unique layout, and accommodates up to 800 guests, while the Pearl Room is an intimate, beautiful room, accommodating for 200 guests. Depending on menus, prices range from $89-$149 per head. The Falling Star Warm and Lavish- Golden Beach Perfect table plan software is used in preparing and organising table arrangements for all guests. It saves typing existing guests lists from spreadsheets, address books or other files. It allows you to drag and drop guests names onto different tables in just one click, and experiment with table shapes and sizes. As well as all this, it allows you to print elegant plans, charts and stationery, including floor plans, table charts, guest lists, place cards and table cards. STAFFING REQUIREMENTS Although Amandas Ballroom Reception consists of only one owner, employees are needed to assist the running of the business. Amandas Ballroom Reception consists of no more than 20 employees. Because it is a non-manufacturing organization, it is classified as a Small Business, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Some employees needed include Manager As well as the owner of the business, Amanda Abboud is the head manager of Amandas Ballroom Reception, and is in charge of the whole running of the business, from food, to decorations and music. The manager must ensure that all employees are working to their full potential, and all legislation acts are followed. She must also make sure that employees receive correct pay and entitlements. Receptionist This person must be able to socialise with different people, and provide them with any information they require. Answering phone calls and adequate knowledge of computers is necessary in making bookings and providing information. Caterers/Cooks Three head chefs and 5 chefs/caterers will be employed for the role of providing food and drinks for all guests. They must be able to create innovative ideas with food, and presentation must always be eye-catching. OHS and EEO legislations must be understood by these employees to ensure a safe and injury-free workplace. Waiters Ten employees will be hired for the role of the waiter. A mixture of men and women will be required. No special qualifications are required for the waiters, but it is preferred that they have had some experience on the role of waitressing. They must also understand the OHS and EEO legislations, and work together as a team with fellow employees. The main recommendation for this role is great social skills, and being able to listen to what customers and guests ask and have good communication skills. MC/Host Up to two hosts will be employed for different nights of the week, and must be great entertainers. Cleaners Up to two employees will be needed in order to keep reception rooms clean at all times, to ensure the business follows the OHS legislation, all employees and guests avoid injury, and the workplace looks presentable and tidy. Hygiene is very important for the health of customers and workers. Required Skills and Attributes of Staff Each job needs particular skills/ qualifications. Amandas Ballroom Reception requires people who are good at communicating with customers, confident, trustworthy, patient, reliable, organized and most importantly happy! Certain jobs require more skill and experience than others, but Amandas Ballroom Reception is willing to provide great training and development sessions through inductions in order to gain the most from all employees, so the business is confident that all employees are working to the best of their ability. MARKET ANALYSIS AND STRATEGIES Amandas Ballroom Reception aims at targeting any people ready to get married. No matter the race, gender or preferences, they cater according to what the customers ask for. Whether it be food, music or even decorations, Amandas Ballroom Reception will cater to create your dream wedding. This business does not specialise in any certain age groups, but will supply for both a traditional or modern wedding, as they believe no-one is ever too old to get married as long as you have found your true partner. This business will appeal to any couples looking to celebrate their wedding vowels, and will even appeal to the parents having to let go of their children. No matter your income, this wedding reception business will cater for people will all allowances, and varies depending on how much you choose to spend. Although the location of the business already has a highly popular reception venue, the Bellevue, already established, it will definitely increase competition for both businesses, but will provide greater variety for the community, as only one big wedding reception venue in a large suburb will not suffice. The latest wedding reception venue business in Bankstown will most likely attract attention by a highly populated area, where they may like to trial the newest business and compare to existing businesses nearby. A definite competitor in the area is the very popular reception venue, The Bellevue. Establishing Amandas Ballroom Reception close-by will definitely increase competition and tension for both businesses, but at the same time will provide greater variety for the community. After completing a market research on ideas on Amandas Ballroom Reception, the following statistics were shown based on ideas of the community. After concluding all findings, research shows that 72% of all customers were completely satisfied with the service of the newly established business and wouldnt definitely use the service again. A dramatic change is evident where 22% of customers were satisfied with what the business provided, and would most likely pay for their services again. Reasons for this may be for lack of experience of the business and/or employees, as it is still new, and running at a slower pace than other experienced wedding reception venues. Only 4% of customers supposed that they may return back to the services of the business, and only 2% of the customers said they would definitely not return. Once again, this may be the case because of lack of experience compared to other well established business. Another reason may be for the prices, as prices start off high for the business in order for them to gain a profit and pay off expenses, and pay employees. Marketing Strategies PRODUCT A high degree of customer service is important in the service of the business to satisfy their peoples needs and make them choose the business and want to return to the service. A catchy trademark and/or logo for the business is used to identify the great services associated with Amandas Ballroom Reception that is provided to consumers, and to differentiate it from its competitors. The business provides great variety of intangible qualities to suite everyones taste. At this stage, positioning or level of services made up by consumers is very important so the firm understands its strengths and weaknesses, and especially in comparison to its competitors. By satisfying consumers with what is promised to them, the reputation of the business is sure to expand.C:Documents and SettingsAmandaMy DocumentsGlassWeddingBells536358.jpg PRICE Young customers preparing their wedding celebrations may not have a high amount of money saved, which is an important factor in pricing the services of the wedding reception venue to suite all incomes. Higher prices may be distributed in order to generate a form of profit, but prices must also be reasonable, where customers are WILLING to put the money value. This gives a greater incentive to provide the best possible service in order to gain consumer loyalty to get them returning to the business. As a newly established business, Amandas Ballroom Reception should not increase their prices higher than competitors, or they will lose any potential customers! Through market research, demand pricing will take place in order to see how much customers are willing to spend on the different variety of services. They would have also used its greatest competitors prices as a guide to not exceed. PROMOTION Sustaining and maintaining great consumer awareness and trust is important for Amandas Ballroom Reception as they only aim to provide the best service to keep their customers coming back, and creating the best possible wedding celebration for the happy couple. Sales promotion; this business offers incentives to the customers through competitions. The employees of Amandas Ballroom Reception also spend a great amount of time on advertising through the media to gain the highest possible consumer awareness, and to get the business to look attractive and trust-worthy. PLACE Exclusive distribution of the service applies to this business as the services provided to customers are different to those of any other wedding reception business, as they come with innovative ideas that would make it almost impossible for potential customers to resist. Amandas Ballroom Reception has a useful and constructive distribution channel, which can offer the opportunity to develop an advantage over its competitors. Also, the business can have negotiating power with potential customers that debates different prices for certain services, depending on the demand and supply for the different services. Market Research Amandas Ballroom Reception Survey Please circle What is your gender? Male Female What is your age bracket? 18-25 26-34 35+ Do you think that Amandas Ballroom Reception will be a success? Yes No Do you trust a newly established business to hold your wedding reception? Yes No Would you recommend this business to friends and family? Yes No Are you satisfied with what you received in relation to what you paid for? Yes No Will you be returning to our business services again? Yes No What most impressed you about our business service? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What least impressed you about our business service? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you have any requests/comments/ recommendations? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FINANCIAL FORCASTS Amandas Ballroom Reception Balance Sheet 4/8/10 $ Current Assets Cash At Bank $15,000 Accounts Receivable $80,000 Inventory $120,000 $215,000 Non-Current Assets Plant/Equipment $1,350,000 Land and Building $500,000 Property $375,000 $2,225,000 Other Non-Current Assets Goodwill $200,000 $200,000 TOTAL ASSETS $2,640,000 Current Liabilities Bank Overdraft $141,200 Accounts Payable $75,000 $216,200 Non-Current Liabilities Mortgage
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