Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Globalization And Environmental Education Education Essay
Globalization And Environmental Education Essay The two points that I have looked over the meetings are globalization and economical turn of events. I am intrigued to take a gander at the perspectives from globalization and natural training by looking past the maintainable turn of events (what is economical turn of events, the standards and the significance). As a matter of first importance, before talking about further in subtleties on the subject of maintainable turn of events, we should realize that globalization and instruction are overall issues that interrelated to one another. There is a lot of examination including the investigation of interlaced overall talks, procedures, and organizations influencing nearby instructive practices and strategies respected to globalization and training. Spring (2008) recommends that there are four significant hypothetical points of view identifying with globalization and training. They are; world culture, world frameworks, postcolonial, and culturalist. Numerous specialists support that the major worldwide instructive conversations are about the information economy and innovation, deep rooted learning, worldwide relocation or cerebrum dissemination, and neoliberalism. In any case, there are pundits of current worldwide patterns bolster instructive choices that will safeguard neighborhood dialects and societies, guarantee dynamic instructive practices that will ensure the poor against the rich, and secure nature and human rights. I discovered this is intriguing and we ought to have a view that maintainable improvement is a worldwide issue just as the nearby one (Atkinsson, 1999). Hence, by and by I intrigued on the subject of economical improvement which is connected with that of the worldwide measurement inside the cross-curricular components of the National Curriculum. I accept as a future educator, this subject would be fascinating to be talked about and broke down. This is on the grounds that later on I presumably will be tended to by such mindful to instruct understudies with such information. Meaning of globalization and manageable turn of events Meaning of globalization The term globalization is utilized in an assortment of settings, evidently to show monetary interdependency and the force applied by some worldwide partnerships that no longer have solid connections with a specific nation, however consider themselves to be rising above national limits (Soubnita, A.T, Sheram. et. 2000). The mechanical upheaval is by all accounts one of the most impressive motors of the globalization procedure (Friedman, 1995: 341) I discovered that globalization is a term that has a wide definition. Various gatherings will characterize it diversely and will have various perspectives on what globalization truly is. In addition, I found that there are quantities of the definition for the term globalization for the most part underlining its plans of developing thriving and advancement open doors for all. Green and Bare (2000) have the thoughts that globalization is the horrendous triumph of over the top free enterprise and the subsequent social homogenization, the mastery of the United States, looting of the earth, and the broadening hole between the rich and poor. Meaning of economical turn of events As globalization is requiring advancement, along these lines I accept that the need to maintain a strategic distance from further exhaustion of the world assets so as to build up this world is a general comprehension on the meaning of supportable improvement term. A gathering on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 by the United Unions show the principal global endeavor to draw up activity plans and methodologies so as to moving towards a progressively supportable turn of events. Dresner (2002) makes reference to about the conversation made in the Brutland Commission in the 1987 where maintainable improvement was bid as the goals of the natural issues. From the perusing on a few articles and books, I concur that practical advancement is tied in with guaranteeing that individuals can satisfy their fundamental needs, while saving nature so the group of people yet to come can likewise have the equivalent or shockingly better personal satisfaction. In addition, I comprehended that practical advancement perceives that the three columns the economy, society and nature which are totally interconnected. I intrigued with an explanation that; Maintainable improvement is advancement that addresses the issues of the present, without trading off the capacity of people in the future to address their own issues. (IISD, 2012) 1.3 Personal perspectives My stand is that the idea of maintainable improvement can be comprehended from various perspectives, yet at its most essential is a way to deal with advancement that hopes to adjust in an unexpected way, and the requirements against the familiarity with the natural, social and financial restrictions that we face these days. In this manner, I accept that practical advancement is tied in with improving methods of actualizing things, for the advantages of both the future and right now. For manageability, we may confront numerous adjustments in the way we life however that doesn't imply that our personal satisfaction will be decreased. In this manner, from the meaning of globalization according to economical advancement I could state that feasible improvement is a worldwide issue that needs everybody to assume their jobs so as to guarantee it is a triumph. Obviously, there are merchandise and terrible things with respect to globalization and the connection to the setting of maintainable turn of events. Globalization and manageable advancement in natural angles I am intrigued with one of the prevailing standards of manageable advancement which expresses that maintainable improvement is to live inside our ecological breaking point (Dresner,2002). To explain, the rule is regarding the constraints of the earths condition, assets of biodiversity with expects to improve the earth and guarantee that our normal universes assets required forever are not harmed and stay for people in the future. Right off the bat, Dresner (2002) proposes that one of the standards of manageable improvement is any advancement action should assist with continuing and not imperil our assets. We ought to have seen that the Earths life-emotionally supportive networks are depleting that once ripe regions can no longer continue individuals ( Atkisson, 1999) ; fish assets have been exhausted; the environment, water courses and our food supplies have been contaminated. It is trying, to anticipate its impact on the environments. Consequently, I accept that there is a need to apply the deterrent rule that we can never really back our surroundings, which thusly opens up with numerous new advancement openings. Models incorporate natural cultivating and replanting trees. There is a thought that proposes on the off chance that we are to continue the planet, we should control populace development and change our examples of utilization (IUCN, UNEP and WWF (1991)). In addition, the universes condition has kept on disintegrating (IUCN, UNEP and WWF (1991)). For instance, deforestation at a pace of 14 million hectares every year; ozone depleting substances are still progressively siphoned into the air, and there is a major measure of report makes reference to that the US has dismissed the Kyoto Protocol and the current focuses for emanation decreases are obviously insufficient. Moreover, there is an approaching emergency of water deficiencies around the world,and in India the issue is now there where a few pieces of India the individuals is as yet attempting to get enough new and clean water gracefully; and may news announcing that new innovations, for example, hereditary designing posture new natural and wellbeing dangers (IUCN, UNEP and WWF (1991)). I look every one of these issues with questions, if every one of these issues are spinning the world over, what is economical improvement truly is? How fruitful is the plan to continue the turn of events? Globalization and practical advancement in the public arena To examine further, I concur that the focal point of supportable advancement is to look it past simply nature. Atkisson (1999) makes reference to that it is likewise going to ensure a solid, sound and just society. Consequently, I accept this implies meeting the different needs surprisingly in existing and future networks, advancing individual prosperity, social union and consideration, and making equivalent chance (Orr, 1992). Moreover, Spring (2008) prompts that our disposition on advancement influences everybody. The effects of choices made in a general public have genuine worries in others lives. For instance,a lack of foresight of networks, decreases the personal satisfaction for the individuals who live in them. Practical improvement proposes an approach to settling on better choices on the issues that influence the entirety of our lives (Orr, 1992). For instance, we can guarantee that occupants have simple access to medicinal services and recreation offices by joining wellbeing plans into the arranging of new networks (Spring,2008). As I comprehended from meetings of the exercises, our reality isn't in every case reasonable. I discover that most of the worldwide populace doesn't approach satisfactory assets; and these equivalent individuals likewise experiencing unfairly contamination, consumption of assets and land corruption. In this manner, there still an inquiry that jump out in my psyche; How accomplish we progress in the direction of more prominent reasonableness, ecological equity and social maintainability? A report expresses that South Africa has stepped forward by wiping out uncalled for politically-sanctioned racial segregation laws and delegating a majority rule government that perceives equivalent rights (Cassius Lubisi, 2008). In any case, imbalances stay in the manner in which individuals take an interest in the economy and advantage from it. Then again, there are requests for decency in global exchange methodology, which right now advantage the wealthiest countries when the affluent individuals getting wealthier while the helpless remain poor or considerably less fortunate; and numerous bodies of evidence on the oppression the less amazing ones. There are aggregate of examination announcing monetary shameful acts inside every nation. In this way, in my view, monetary arrangements and practices need a survey as far as their effects on individuals and the world. T
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Sexuality & bipolar Essay Example for Free
Sexuality bipolar Essay Sexuality as we probably am aware it has consistently been bipolar in its classifications: the manly and the ladylike. Individuals are then positioned in these classifications as indicated by their life systems, with pre-set desires set on them on how they would act and in the end develop. For instance, it is unsatisfactory for ladies to smoke stogies, fix vehicles and wear mustache while men shouldn't do housework, convey handbags, wear nail clean and cry out in the open (Kunkel 283). However what we underestimate is our insight that sexuality isn't bipolar and the practices that appear to be guiltless yet harsh, restricting and authoritative on our bits of knowledge. For instance, in the event that one would take a gander at a welcome card segment, one will locate that a large portion of the cards are centered essentially around two classes, for moms, sisters, aunties and grandmas for the ladylike classification and fathers, granddads, uncles and siblings for the male. The main remotely sexually impartial cards were for companions yet even they weren’t totally nonpartisan since their hues and configuration relates to what is seen by society as satisfactory for what guys and females might want, I. e. , cards coordinated at ladies recipients will in general get cards that are pink or pastel hued with a colorful or â€Å"cute†structure. Male beneficiaries then again for the most part get blue and other manly hues with an energetic theme. Most cards managing connections portray hetero couples and names, for example, husband and spouse, sweetheart and beau and such. Then again, delineations of gay couples are for all intents and purposes imperceptible; a couple of cards wielding love cites are the main ones who are impartial. On the off chance that a gay wishes to purchase a card for his/her accomplice, his/her lone choice is to concentrate on the affection segment and a couple of the sentiment. He/she would need to take care to pick the portrayals on the cards too. The explanation behind the intangibility of different types of sexuality is because of the way that society sees heterosexuality as the standard and homosexuality is degenerate (Cruz 1012). Homosexuality is seen as naturally anomalous, neurotic, and hostile to nature since its very standard conflicts with the possibility of master creation. Society has made marks and outskirts to keep the gay people from being noticeable. One model is the classes of associations with hetero commemorations, relationships and such. In a marriage, there is a name of â€Å"husband†and â€Å"wife†, the male taking the previous and the female the last mentioned; same-sex relationships, while as yet being discussed whether it ought to be sanctioned or not, has no such marks in the relationship. Conversely, the thought heteronormativity has named same-sex couples with disdainful names, to stamp them as unseemly conduct and be classified as explicitly freak. (Kunkel 289). As a result, individuals will in general reject and abuse them, giving the freaks neither room nor specialty to stir things up. In one hour of TV, advertisements consistently show pictures of hetero couples in their individual specialties in the group. In spite of the fact that gay people are depicted as a general rule appears, there is no trace of their associations with different characters on screen. On the off chance that there is a clue, it is typically minimized and controlled. Hetero couples be that as it may, are praised and externalized. There is for all intents and purposes no equivalent sex couple that is portrayed regardless of whether the media is one of the most powerful main impetuses in sending attention to these equivalent sex couples. It is fascinating to take note of that regardless of whether individuals are asserting that they are open minded and acknowledge same-sex couples, same-sex couples are still â€Å"invisible†. Heteronormativity is driven by sex jobs that are forced by society’s bipolar desires. Its inescapability can be credited to the way that since a network is held together by unwritten laws, for example, standards and restrictions, it is protected to expect that society is undermined by these explicitly freak people along these lines heteronormativity is progressively articulated and implemented. Heterosexism, as it were, is a rope that ties our general public together, yet consequently it defines limits and demands that it is the standard. Heteronormativity itself doesn't engage heteros and burglarizes the force from same sex people; rather, it limits the two gatherings and impair them since they are stuck in their marks and classes, with no space to move about. Individuals accept that it is so since different types of sexuality are imperceptible and are adapted to think in the bipolar way. Heteronormativity is wherever since society has its own set principles and the norm that is difficult to neither uproot nor challenge and heteronormativity has been available since the time the arrangement of such networks. WORKS CITED Cruz, David B. â€Å"Disestablishing Sex and Gender. †California Law Review Vol. 90 (2002): 997-1086 Kunkel, Charlotte A. what's more, Nielson, Joyce McCarl and Walden, Glenda. â€Å"Gendered Heteronormativity: Empirical Illustrations in Everyday Life. †The Sociological Quarterly. Vol. 41 (2000): 283-296
Friday, August 21, 2020
Free Essays on Emily Dickinson And The Exalted Poet
Emily Dickinson and The Exalted Poet The couple of, the glad, the artists. Writers, the chosen few who are so lifted up by their craft they think of it as an otherworldly encounter that in one sonnet, Emily Dickinson raises them better than inconsequential thoughts as the sun, the mid year, and even the paradise of God. In spite of the fact that her sonnets don’t all middle around the wonder of the writer, the not many that do compare the beautiful crucial such expansive ideas as religion and her very own authoritative opinion. Sonnets 569 and 1129 (â€Å"I figure when I check at all†and â€Å"Tell all the Truth yet tell it slant†separately) like any great verse, might be perused various ways, most legitimately as a discourse on the specialty of verse, with fundamental critique concerning the previously mentioned issues. Sonnet 569 â€Å"I figure . . . †positions verse and writers to the exclusion of everything else in the primary refrain. She obtrusively organizes artists over nature and religion, venturing to such an extreme as to consider the last a â€Å"needless show.†Dickinson obviously disagrees with religion, no uncertainty because of an exacting strict childhood the Norton Anthology portrays as suggestive of Jonathan Edwards. This sonnet, composed sooner than â€Å"Tell all the Truth . . . †not just places the artist over the paradise of God, communicates a fracture between Dickinson as an individual and her religion. She believes the writer to be progressively creative, expressive, incorporating and comprehensive. Strikingly enough, Dickinson clarifies the more stupendous summer, sun, and â€Å"further heaven,†made by writers for perusers, yet leaves the sonnet very open-finished. She closes â€Å"It is too troublesome a Grace To legitimize the Dream†which appears to state the paradise of idyllic creation is so grandiose as to be difficult to accomplish. This may resemble or remark on her own impression of the religious thought of Grace as outlandish or incomprehensible. In sonnet 1129 Dickinson additionally is by all accounts principally tending to how best to catch truth through verse... Free Essays on Emily Dickinson And The Exalted Poet Free Essays on Emily Dickinson And The Exalted Poet Emily Dickinson and The Exalted Poet The couple of, the glad, the writers. Writers, the chosen few who are so magnified by their specialty they think of it as an otherworldly encounter that in one sonnet, Emily Dickinson raises them better than inconsequential thoughts as the sun, the mid year, and even the paradise of God. In spite of the fact that her sonnets don’t all inside around the wonder of the artist, the not many that do compare the lovely crucial such wide ideas as religion and her very own doctrine. Sonnets 569 and 1129 (â€Å"I figure when I tally at all†and â€Å"Tell all the Truth however tell it slant†separately) like any great verse, might be perused various ways, most straightforwardly as a discourse on the craft of verse, with hidden analysis concerning the previously mentioned issues. Sonnet 569 â€Å"I figure . . . †positions verse and writers to the exclusion of everything else in the main refrain. She unmitigatedly organizes artists over nature and religion, venturing to such an extreme as to consider the last a â€Å"needless show.†Dickinson obviously disagrees with religion, no uncertainty because of a severe strict childhood the Norton Anthology portrays as suggestive of Jonathan Edwards. This sonnet, composed sooner than â€Å"Tell all the Truth . . . †not just places the artist over the paradise of God, communicates a crack between Dickinson as an individual and her religion. She believes the artist to be progressively creative, expressive, enveloping and comprehensive. Curiously enough, Dickinson clarifies the more fantastic summer, sun, and â€Å"further heaven,†made by artists for perusers, however leaves the sonnet very open-finished. She closes â€Å"It is too troublesome a Grace To legitimize the Dream†which ap pears to state the paradise of lovely creation is so elevated as to be difficult to accomplish. This may resemble or remark on her own impression of the religious thought of Grace as unimaginable or inconceivable. In sonnet 1129 Dickinson likewise is by all accounts basically tending to how best to catch truth through verse...
Friday, June 5, 2020
Getting the Most Out of College Essay Revision
We’re well into the school year which means, ideally, you should be about a month or three into writing your college application essays. I know from experience that just getting something down on paper is the most grueling and torturous experience. Once that first draft is finally scraped together, it’s oh-so-tempting to just let it lie and never look back. But don’t let exhaustion jeopardize your chance to submit a well-crafted, representative piece. There’s a lot of magic to be had in the revision process, if you know how to approach it right. Read it out loud to yourself Yes, this is unbelievably elementary. It’s also an important first step in ironing out the preliminary, most evident wrinkles: incoherent sentences, redundancy, grammatical errors†¦ Go through the entire essay one time without marking anything (even those missed commas and accidental apostrophes). Then make notes on the â€Å"problem areas†you noticed, asking yourself if the idea of the piece came through, if it was fluid, and if it was coherent. Have someone read it to you One of the most uncomfortable things to have happened to me at college thus far was when my writing professor read my first paper back to me. It was horrifying – but wound up being crucial to be the betterment of my work. As soon as you let someone else speak your words, you’re able to understand where your reader (in this case, where the admissions advisor) will speed up, slow down, pause for clarification, etc. Whatever comes out sounding far different than what you intended it to should be revisited and reworked. Use â€Å"Say Back†A popular strategy for academic essays is to ask your editor to â€Å"say back†to you, after reading your work, what they found it to be about. In other words, to conversationally summarize it. Where this can be particularly monumental for your college essay is in asking the simple question of, â€Å"What does this say about me?†Remember that, no matter what, you are trying to convince the admissions advisor of something. Whether it’s that you’re well-rounded, close with your family, humbled by the world around you, etc., the reader needs to have gained a level of understanding about who you are. To ensure that the impression they get is what you want it to be, recruit a few acquaintances (the less they know you, the better) to do preliminary test-reads. Guide your editor As a writer, it’s important to recognize the roll you play in the editing process. The person looking over your essay is going to be able to provide much more meaningful feedback if you give them an idea of what you need. It can be as simple as jotting down a few bullet points at the top of the page. This will also help deter editors from residing on the polar ends of the spectrum: scrawling nothing but â€Å"it’s good†at the end or nit-picking every tiny mistake they come across. Maintain control If you’re determined to get as many opinions on your essay as possible – that’s great. Massive props. Just be careful not to lose the â€Å"you†in your writing. College essays should be representative of your voice, not your Mom’s or counselor’s or best friend’s. And if you ever feel like you’re getting contradicting advice, or that you don’t agree with a constructive comment, remember your trump card. At the end of the day, the final verdict is always yours to decide. Leave time for marinating One of the best things you can do is let your essay sit for awhile, even after you’ve put it through several rounds of revision. Often times, too much focused work with one piece can fog your judgment. You very well may look back at it after some space and still feel 100% ready to send it in. Or, as happened with me, you may reread it and realize that you got carried away with cutting out the parts that made it unique. In either case, the less rushed you can be prior to submitting an application the better. The revising process should be a rewarding one, not something to be dreaded or abhorred. After all, polishing and refining your work can take it to places that you didn’t think were humanly possible just a few weeks before.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Social Networking Profile Quotations
On social networking sites, make a profile that leaves a lasting impression. If your profile is drab, nobody will be interested in you. But with a super-cool profile, you can draw all the attention. Use these cool profile quotes to carve a unique identity for yourself. Cool profile quotes add zing to your emails too. Quotes for Social Media Profiles Stupidity: Bertrand RussellThe trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.God: Benjamin FranklinFear God, and your enemies will fear you.Time: Benjamin FranklinEmploy thy time well, if thou meanest to get leisure.Stupidity: Elbert HubbardGenius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped.Love: Benjamin FranklinIf you would be loved, love and be lovable.Laughter: Irish ProverbA good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctors book.Work: Edgar BergenHard work never killed anybody, but why take a chance?Stupidity: Bill CosbyA word to the wise aint necessary -- its the stupid ones that need the advice.Life: Oscar WildeWe are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.Life: JRR TolkienAll who wander are not lost.Prejudice: William JamesA great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.Supernatural: Elbert HubbardThe supernatural is the natural not yet>Humor: Mark TwainThere are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.Opportunity: Ralph Waldo EmersonEvery wall is a door.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
What You Should Know about Cosmetic Surgery Essay
What You Should Know about Cosmetic Surgery Cosmetic Surgery is a phenomenon that has increased over the past few years. Even though this epidemic has become very popular, there is so much to know about it before having it done. Most people who have cosmetic surgery do so to change their appearance by altering the parts of their bodies that make them unhappy. Being dissatisfied with one’s appearance sometimes brings down one’s self-esteem, and people feel as though cosmetic surgery can help them gain back the confidence they have lost. Depending on the type of procedure that a person receives, it can also improve one’s social life, sex life, and one’s interpersonal relationships with people. Other reasons for cosmetic surgery are†¦show more content†¦Then the person does research on the benefits and risks involved with having a cosmetic procedure done. One also has to search for a qualified surgeon to do their surgery. Cosmetic surgeries can be very expensive and elective cosmetic procedures are not covered by most insurance plans. On the other hand reconstructive surgery, which is another form of cosmetic surgery, is covered by most insurance plans. Reconstructive surgery is a procedure that is usually done to fix the aftermath of a bad accident, illness, birth defect, or a previous cosmetic surgery gone wrong. Unless the plastic surgery procedure is a medical issue, it will not be covered. Taking that into consideration, one has to see whether they can afford to pay for it on their own. These days many financial companies have loans designed especially for people who want to have expensive medical procedures done. They are called, â€Å"medical loans†. With this loan, a person can finance the cost of their surgery and make payments on it overtime. Some people would rather take this route than charge this expensive procedure on a high interest credit card. This gives them a chance to get t heir procedure done and not have to come up with such a large sum of money all at once. Some surgeons work with patients directly by offering them payment plans through their clinic. They allow patients to pay so much up front and pay the rest through monthlyShow MoreRelatedIs Cosmetic Surgery Is Safe?1174 Words  | 5 Pages Is cosmetic surgery is safe? Cosmetic surgery is a surgery which aims for improvement of the aesthetic appearance of the person who want this to be done. The goal of this is to improve a person’s appearance plus the self-confidence by the way that person looks. This surgery can be done or performed any part of the body and face. If the patient is willing to undergo to a cosmetic surgery, patient should be ready if what would be involved before the patient decide. Although I should know betterRead MoreEssay on The Risks of Cosmetic Surgery1466 Words  | 6 PagesAre you aware of the risks and disadvantages of cosmetic surgery? Cosmetic surgery can be very risky and dangerous if you are not aware of the outcomes. If you are thinking of going through a procedures you need to do a lot of research of what the pros and cons of the procedure you are about to undergo. Cosmetic surgeries are done all over the world and the pricing varies depending on the surgeons, and it can be very expensive. The outcome of the surgery won’t always come to what you wanted butRead MoreShould Cosmetic Surgery Be Banned?765 Words  | 4 PagesTitle: Should Cosmetic Surgery Be Banned? Introduction Nowadays, cosmetic surgery has become more popular for modern people. Some people believe that it is a science to improve the beauty of a person. On the other hand, there are some people disagree with it. People said that cosmetic surgery involves risk which may cause serious diseases such as heart attack. Both of the side have their own reasonable reason based on should or should not ban cosmetic surgery. Agree to ban the cosmetic surgery Read MoreDying to be Beautiful: The Risks of Cosmetic Surgery927 Words  | 4 Pagesto go in for cosmetic surgery. An enormous amount of men and woman go in for cosmetic surgery to make them look younger or fix a part of their face that they are unsatisfied with or they want to reshape something that to them is a disorder. They go into surgery without knowing the consequences they are going in for and they face high chances of never seeing their original face never again. Certain celebrity and model’s career have gone downhill due to the failure of plastic surgery and have gottenRead MoreCosmetic Surgery Should Be Banned1167 Words  | 5 Pages‘Cosmetic surgery should be banned.’ Do you have one thing you would like to change about your appearance? I would guess the answer is yes. People nowadays, especially women, are consumed with their appearance. Many strive to conform to what society views as the ‘perfect body image’ and this can make people extremely insecure about the way they look. They think that cosmetic surgery will solve this  it doesn’t. In fact, cosmetic surgery only enhances the need to look beautiful and can lead to manyRead MoreShould Cosmetic Surgery Be Addictive?1448 Words  | 6 Pages Plastic Surgery Can be Addictive if Done to Exces People today hesitate to go to the doctor for health reasons or due to cost, or to find out they have a disease, but they will not think twice about going to a doctor to get a flaw fixed. How much cosmetic surgery is too much? Is the rate of cosmetic surgery rising? Should cosmetic surgery be promoted? Plastic cosmetic surgery can be a last resort to fix a feature that is lacking when it is the first time someone is about to get a procedureRead MoreCosmetic Surgery : Too Far, Caused Her Death1408 Words  | 6 Pagesis too far when it comes to cosmetic surgery? In Joan Rivers case her â€Å"too far†caused her death. Joan Rivers was known in the fashion world for her blunt looks, but to America, Rivers was easily identified because of her cosmetic surgeries. Rivers died on September 4, 2014. She was eighty one years old. She had cardiac and respiratory arrest on the operating table while undergoing a neck lift cosmetic surgery (Nathan). Rivers once said â€Å"I’ve had so much plastic surgery, when I die they will donateRead More Cosmetic Surgery: The Cure for Low Self- Esteem? Or are the Risks too risky?881 Words  | 4 PagesCosmetic surgery has been around for decades. As the years went by, new procedures came to surface as well as new surgical tools. The pro cedures that surfaced became attention grabbing from many people. New and improved procedures and equipment came as more years went by and it grabbed more attention to more people. But is cosmetic surgery the answer to a person with low self esteem? The first American Plastic Surgeon was John Peter Mettauer. He performed the first cleft palate in 1827 with surgicalRead MoreCosmetic Surgery: A Risky and Costly Procedure1355 Words  | 6 PagesIf one is considering cosmetic surgery I suggest reconsidering. Research shows cosmetic surgery can be a risky and costly procedure. Society is pressuring people to look more attractive. Media shows actors to be flawless and the public feels that one should be compared to these actors. Cosmetic surgery is becoming more popular is today’s culture. People are turning to cosmetic surgery for many reasons, some of them are not healthy. Why do people go to such dangerous measures to look more attractiveRead MoreCosmetic Surgery : Too Far, Caused Her Death1408 Words  | 6 Pagesis too far when it comes to cosmetic surgery? In Joan Rivers case her â€Å"too far†caused her death. Joan Rivers was known in the fashion world for her blunt looks, but to America, Rivers was easily identified because of her cosmetic surgeries. Rivers died on September 4, 2014. She was eighty one years old. She had cardiac and respiratory arrest on the operating table while undergoing a neck lift cosmetic surgery (Nathan). Rivers once said â€Å"I’ve had so much plastic surgery, when I die they will donate
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Ancient Greece Essay Introduction Example For Students
Ancient Greece Essay Introduction Ancient Greece is a peninsula located off the Mediterranean Sea, and is surrounded by several islands. Ancient Greece was made up of different types of government. There were two types of city states an oligarchy , which is ruled by a small group of citizens and a direct democracy ruled by the people . All citizens could make speeches and vote at the Assembly. The Council made up of 500 citizens made new laws which were debated in the Assembly . Only citizens could vote ,women ,foreigners, slaves did not have the right to voteReligion and myths were very important in Greek citizens lives . They used Gods and Goddess to explain things which happened in science and everyday life . They built temples to honor their Gods and Goddess and held the Olympics in honor of the king of the gods Zeus . The Parthenon was a temple built to honor the Goddess Athena . The people believed the Gods and Goddess would favor you if you gave them offerings such as gold ,silver ,and the fruit of the harvest .A few of the Gods and Goddess were Zeus king of the gods ,Athena Goddess of wisdom, warfare, and the city , Apollo , god of the sun , light ,truth , music and , prophecy , Hades brother of Zeus and king of the under world and afterlife , and Poseidon, ruler of the seas . All of the gods and goddess lived at Mount Olympus the highest mountain in Greece . The Greeks had many occupations , traders , merchants , architects , philosophers, dramatists , sculptors , doctors , poets , astronomers and , physicists however ; each citizen protected the city state . Every citizen had a duty to defend the state as a hoplite, which is a heavily equipped warrior .They operated in a large rectangular formation of thousands of men all equal in rank . The Greeks influenced the way we live today .The educated Greeks wanted explanations for the world and things around them . they made observations and came up with theories . These people were known as philosophers which means the love of wisdom Socrates , Plato , and Aristotle were famous philosophers . Hippocrates is known as the father of medicines today doctors take the Hippocratic Oath , named after him , which requires them to act ethically and morally . Anaxagras , an astronomer explained that a solar eclipse is caused by the moon passing between the earth and the sun blocking out the suns light . Literature was made up of myths and poems . The most famous Greek poet was Homer , who wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey . A Greek theater which began in the marketplace with dances and songs was the start of the present day theater . Architecture was important in the Greek culture . There were three types Doric , simple whit thick sturdy columns , Ionic , a thinner column and , Corinthian thin columns with elaborate capitals decorated with acathus leaves . Life in Greece was different depending on where you lived . I would prefer to live in Athens because the military requirements are not as restrictive . In Athens rich boys ,at the age of seven , went to school to study reading , writing , arithmetic , music , and debating . Poor boys did not go to school . Girls stayed at home and learned how to spin and weave from their mothers . The children did not have pencils , they used a stylus and a wax covered wooden tablet . Pebbles or an abacus was used to help with math . Boys participated in sports to honor the gods to help them prepare for the military . They played games such as knucklebones , which is similar to jacks and played music on a lyre , cymbals or kitharas , which was a harplike instrument. In Sparta they had a very militaristic government and trained for war during the day . At the age of seven boys trained to be soldiers . They learned how to use spears , swords and to help them become stronger they lived in all kinds of w eather . They used sports to help them become better soldiers .If a man was married he would have to stay in the military for another ten years . Then he was free to live with his family . Spartan women had to learn how to use a spear and a sword , so they could prepare their sons for battle . The reason Sparta needed such a strong military was because they were afraid their slaves , called helatsas would rebel . Bibliography Eastern HemisphereSilver,Burdett,GinnMorristown,NJThe Iliad and The OdysseyDorsett PressBy HomerNY NYKids Discover MagazineNY NYVolume 4Issue 7
Sunday, April 19, 2020
Patriarchy in Ancient Greek Societies free essay sample
The Myth of Psyche and Eros was told from one generation to the next, and in these six paragraphs, I will tell you about this myth. The rising action starts with a stunningly beautiful girl, Psyche, is born after two older sisters. People throughout the land worship her beauty so deeply that they forget about the goddess Aphrodite. Aphrodite becomes angry that her temples are falling to ruin, so she plots to ruin Psyche. She instructs her son, Eros, to pierce the girl with an arrow and make sure that no one loves her EVER! But when Cupid sees Psyche in her radiant glory, he shoots himself with the arrow instead. [pic] The climax of the story occurs as; Psyche and her family become worried that she will never find a husband, for although men admire her beauty, they always seem content to marry someone else. Psyches father heads to the oracle to seek help from the gods. We will write a custom essay sample on Patriarchy in Ancient Greek Societies or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page And the gods say that it is Psyches destiny that she shall marry a monster. They instruct her to go to the top of a hill, where she will marry. Psyche bravely follows the instructions and falls asleep on the hill. When she wakes up, she discovers a stunning mansion. Going inside, she relaxes and enjoys fine food and luxurious treatment. At night, in the dark, she meets and falls in love with her husband. The falling action beings with Psyche. As she lives happily with him, never seeing him, until one day she tells him that she is lonely; she begs to see her sisters. Her husband replies that it would be fine to do so. When they visit, they become extremely jealous of Psyches beautiful mansion and lush quarters. They deduce that Psyche has never seen her husband, and they convince her that she must sneak a look. Confused and conflicted, Psyche turns on a lamp one night as her husband lies next to her. When she sees the beautiful Eros asleep on her bed, she weeps for her lack of faith. Eros awakens because a drop of oil falls onto him, and flees because Love cannot live where there is no trust. Eros returns to his mother, Aphrodite, who again decides to enact revenge on the beautiful girl. This myth’s resolution occurs when Pysche journeys all over the land to find Eros. She decides to go to Aphrodite herself in a plea for love and forgiveness, and when she finally sees Aphrodite, the great goddess laughs aloud. Aphrodite shows her a heap of seeds and tells her that she must sort them all in one nights time if she wants to see Eros again. This task is impossible for one person alone, but ants help Psyche and sort the seeds for her, because psyche is a friend of their friend. Shocked, Aphrodite then orders Psyche to retrieve Golden Fleece from the sheep in the valley below. A reed comes and gives her a hint. Instead of collecting the fleece from the sheep, she suggests that she collect the golden pieces of fleece from the thorny briar that catches it. Psyche follows these instructions and returns a sizable quantity to Aphrodite. Aphrodite still does not give in. She challenges Psyche to go into the underworld and have Persephone put some of her beauty in a box. Miraculously, Psyche succeeds. On her way toward giving the box to Aphrodite, she becomes curious, opens the box, and instantly falls asleep. Meanwhile, Eros looks for Psyche and finds her sleeping. He awakens her, puts the sleeping spell back in the box, and takes her to Zeus to request her immortality. Zeus grants the request and makes Psyche an immortal goddess. She and Eros are married. Aphrodite now supports the marriage because her son has married a goddessâ€â€and because Psyche will no longer distract the men on earth from Aphrodite. In These six paragraphs, I told you about the myth of Psyche and Eros. How about now, you go and tell someone about this myth, and keep this myth from dying. Patriarchy In this myth: As I read his myth to myself, I began to understand what it was saying more, and more, and I realized that one form of patriarchy in this myth Is that; The men can just choose a woman, and she has to be his wife. Also, if the gods choose for you, you cannot say no. Whatever the â€Å"Oracle†( where to seek gods for help ) says, it must be done.
Sunday, March 15, 2020
Six Practical Tips to Find Clients
Six Practical Tips to Find Clients In June 2015 I swallowed my fear and pride and made the decision to call myself a writer. Since establishing my own writing business I have found success in two niches: writing articles for popular websites and writing blogs for corporate clients. Its no secret that the corporate clients I have are my real money-makers, and my source of steady income. Where are all these businesses that are willing to pay good money for a blog post? Follow these six tips and you will find more clients for your writing business too. 1. Â Â Â E-mail potential clients. Sit down and write a list of 25 people you know who own a business and would benefit from a blog. Look through your Facebook and Twitter page. Ask your Mom if she knows of anyone. Then, write an email introducing yourself, the benefits of blogging, and exactly why you think this opportunity would benefit the individual business specifically. This email needs to be clear and concise and not feel like you sent it to 25 people. 2. Â Â Â Offer incentives to current clients. If you are looking to build your client base it is a good idea to ask your current clients for some help. Once you feel youve established a good relationship with your client, approach them with an offer that they cant resist. For example, let your client know you are hoping to build your business and appreciate their trust and positive feedback. Then, offer them one free blog post per client referral. 3. Â Â Â Use networking sites to build relationships. Use websites like LinkedIn and Facebook to network with potential clients. Share compelling information about the importance of online marketing and blogging to pique their interest. But make sure to take things one step further and reach out to those you are networking with. Introduce yourself and let them know you are available to talk more about your work and the value of your writing services. 4. Â Â Â Introduce yourself to other popular writers Sometimes the way to break into the business is 5. Â Â Â Put an ad in the paper. This may seem like an outdated idea, but the truth is many potential clients simply arent online. Consider putting an ad in your local paper letting people know you are a freelance writer specializing in corporate blogging. Make sure your advertisement is clear and professional, and consider hiring someone to make it for you. 6. Â Â Shout it from the rooftops. The best way to find potential clients is to look at every single person you come into contact with as a potential client. Keep a few business cards with you at all times. Let people know on all your social media platforms what you do. Chat with people at your local Starbucks and in the checkout line at the grocery store. Introduce yourself to your neighbors. Make sure everybody knows who you are and what you do, and watch your business grow. Now go out and use these tips to grow your client base. Come back here and let us know when you do!
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Protestant Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Protestant - Assignment Example sts also questioned the older understanding and meanings of biblical scriptures, and made attempts to bring forth improved explanations of the prevailing biblical words. The followers of the liberal mainline Protestant Christianity believe in the existence of a Deity i.e. Trinity that includes the Father, the Holy Spirit and the Son. They believe that symbolically speaking, Jesus Christ is a manifestation or incarnation of the God. God is the creator of universe and evidence that arises as a result of scientific experimentation supports this notion. They also believe that death is not the end; evil will be punished while good acts will be rewarded in the afterlife (Albanese 106). The older belief regarding inheritance of ‘original sin’ (Adam & Eve) is not readily accepted by many. Instead of following a religious concept regarding suffering of the humanity, the liberal Protestants are more inclined towards following the humanistic approach which aligns closely with the modern notion of helping the needy in times of need. Overall, the liberal approach seeks to find rational answers to religious questions and in doing so, centers the deci sions on knowledge that is already acquired by human beings by scientific
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Beauity Drama Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Beauity Drama - Essay Example Contrary, Bethany is intelligent and brilliant in that she is outstanding in school but she is not as beautiful as Carla (Martin 15). The beauty drama portrays discontent and jealousy of the two characters (Bethany and Carla). As evident in the story, the two characters have different personalities and fortunes. For instance, the author asserts that Carla is beautiful but a failure and with negative personality. Contrary, Bethany is not beautiful but a successful in writing appealing short stories. She hates her appearance and desires she was like Carla (Martin 1.10). The author was creative and imaginative in that he utilizes â€Å"the genie†to demonstrate the wishes and desires of Bethany to be beautiful and her unhappy with her life. â€Å"It is ironical that Bethany perceives beauty as a major significance than anything else in life because she thinks it will bring her good things than what she possess†. On the other hand, Carla says she understands the demerits and problems of beauty. Due to this, she attempts to tell Bethany not to desire to become beautiful (Martin 32). It is clear from the story that people are never satisfied with what they have in life. Further, human beings always view the negative side of their life and the positive side of others. In addition, it demonstrates that individuals value appearance more than intelligence and good personality traits. For instance, Bethany has a successful career as an accountant, she is intelligence and with great personality but she is not satisfied with her appearance and instead desires to be beautiful like her friend (Carla). Additionally, she does not recognize the positive side of her life and the good things she has acquired. These unreasonable view of her life makes her wish to be like Carla. According to Bethany, beauty will give her what she desires in life. However, Carla warns Bethany about her desires
Friday, January 31, 2020
Advantages of Raw Milk Essay Example for Free
Advantages of Raw Milk Essay From the time of Hippocrates to until just after World War II, this white blood nourished and healed uncounted millions. Clean raw milk from pastured cows is a complete and properly balanced food You could live on it exclusively if you had to indeed, published accounts exist of people who have done just that Whats in it that makes it so great? Lets look at the ingredients to see what makes it such a powerful food Proteins Our bodies use amino acids as building blocks for protein. Depending on who you ask, we need 20-22 of them for this task Eight of them are considered essential, in that we have to get them from our food. The remaining 12-14 we can make from the first eight via complex metabolic pathways in our cells Raw cows milk has all 8 essential amino acids in varying amounts, depending on stage of lactation About 80% of the proteins in milk are caseins- reasonably heat stable and, for most, easy to digest Lactoferrin (14), an iron-binding protein, has numerous beneficial properties including improved absorption and assimilation of iron Ice cream – we don’t drink milk, we eat. Milk is our first food Mammals – short time milk 50 years ago 2000 pounds of milk per year Now top producers over 50000 pounds, how is it done ? Drugs, antibiotics, hormones, specialized cow breeding†¦ breeding cows for specialized skimmed milk. Skimmed milk cow. Its insane , and rocket fuel Cow’s milk also contain blood Kills Vitamin B6 Pyridoxine Vitamin B12â€â€Cyanocobalamin Diabitis – no proper enzymes to digest proteins.
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Vietnam Retaliation In The U.S :: essays research papers
â€Å"Vietnam was the first war ever fought without any censorship. Without censorship, things can get terribly confused in the public mind.†- Gen William C Westmoreland, US Army (      It is said that a war cannot be fought without the support of the people. Much so was this related to the Vietnam conflict. I say the â€Å"Vietnam Conflict†in that the United States never actually declared war on North Vietnam after its communist split-up in 1960. The conflict was based on the principles of containment stated in the Truman and Eisenhower Doctrines. These documents stated that military aid would be given to any nation willing to fight communism. This idea of â€Å"keeping communism in it’s place†without it spreading to new nations was called containment, a name given by President Harry Truman.      In May of 1955, Vietnam, which was a French colony, was broken up by rebels led by Ho Chi Minh. Under the accords of the Geneva Convention, the French colony was broken into Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. North Vietnam was supported by the Communist China and Soviet Union while South Vietnam fought off communism with aid from the United States. These series of events added to the tensions felt in the Cold War, which lasted between the United States and the Soviet Union until 1989.      The year 1964 brought the United States into the conflict even more with President Johnson’s Operation â€Å"Rolling Thunder†, which bombed railroads, troop camps and other North Vietnamese targets. This also brought two battalions of 3,500 marines and opened the door to lead 540,000 men in Vietnam by 1967. This drastic call for troops to be deployed to Vietnam called on the Selective Service Act, which drafted men into the military who fit certain requirements. This combined with anti-war sentiments felt at home led to the opposition to the war I am to speak about.      The Conflict in Vietnam did not go unnoticed at home as well. Some Americans were eager to fight Communism in Vietnam. But, unlike most wars of American time, the action in Vietnam had a very split approval amongst Americans. Many believed that the conflict was the responsibility of South Vietnam, and not that of the United States. By the conflict’s escalation, however, the approval of the practice of containment in Vietnam dropped drastically as more Americans lost their lives to Viet-Cong guerillas. But some were optimistic, said here: â€Å"Writer James Reston commented that the anti-war demonstrations were not helping to bring peace to Vietnam. He said they were postponing it. He believed the demonstrations would make Ho Chi
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Destin Brass Products Co. Essay
The estimated costs calculated using the activity-based costing method is very different from the existing standard unit costs and the revised unit costs. Exhibit 3 uses the traditional cost allocation system, which allocates all costs based on measures of volume. In the standard unit costs, Destin Brass uses direct labor as the only cost driver, which rarely meets the cause-effect standard wanted in cost allocation. Exhibit 4 is similar to exhibit 3, but instead, 4 uses materials and machine hours as the cost driver instead of just direct labor. The new costs are calculated by using the ABC system, which allocates costs that are caused by non-volume-based cost drivers. After recognizing the overhead activities, costs of overhead resources used for the activities are allocated to the activities using cost drivers. Then pooled costs of each activity are allocated to products, using the cost drivers. It takes one large overhead cost pool and breaks it down into several pools, which for this company are: receiving and materials handling, machine usage and maintenance, packing and shipping, and engineering. These have a cause-effect relationship with activities and resources that are used. So unlike exhibit 3 and 4, the new system breaks down the overhead costs a lot more. The new estimated costs are more accurate because the amount allocated to each of the overhead activities for each product is more detailed. It shows the percentage of how much each activity is performed on each product. All 3 products’ unit costs in the new system are different from exhibit 3 and 4. Unit price for valves has a slight change compare to the standard unit price, but for pumps and flow controllers, there is a dramatic change. Destin Brass are well under their 35% gross margin goal for pumps, and wondering how other companies can sell their pumps for such a low price. They thought the unit costs for pumps is $63.12, when in fact, the more accurate system shows that it’s only $48.81, $14.31 less than the standard unit cost. This inaccuracy is the reason why Destin Brass is having trouble staying competitive with their price on pumps while other companies are able to sell it for a lower price. The flow controllers have never been a problem for Destin Brass. It seemed to them that they had no competition in that market. Even after raising the prices by 12.5%, demand did not decrease. This is because the more accurate unit cost for flow controllers is actually $100.48, and not $56.50, $43.98 more than what they thought. They have been selling their flow controller at $97.07 each, which is below the unit cost, and that is why no other companies are able to compete in that market. I think Destin Brass should definitely adjust their selling price for all 3 products. For valves, $58.16 should be their new target-selling price if they want to keep the 35% GM goal, but I think they should make the actual selling price to be a little lower than that. That way they can stay/be more competitive in the valves market while having a GM% that is slightly lower, but still close to the goal. Selling price for pumps will have to be lowered for them to become competitive in the pumps market, unlike before. $75.09 would be the price they want to sell it at if they want the 35% GM, but the selling could still be slightly lower then that, allowing them to be competitive while still very close to their goal. Flow controller prices will have to be higher if they want to make a profit from this product. Right now they are making a loss of 4% for each flow controller they sell. If they want to reach the 35% GM mark, they will have to up their cost from $97.07 to $154.58. Just like pumps and valves, price could be a little lower than that, and of course for the same reasons. Yes, this means they will go from having no competition to many competitions in the flow controller market now, but at least they won’t be making a loss every time they sell a flow controller. In the following month, assuming quantities produced and sold, activities, and costs were all at standard, the profit reported under the new system would be $540,260.00, and under the present system would be $539,180.00. There is only a difference of $1,080. Destin Brass will not see any major difference in profit in the short run; in this case it’s over a period of one month. But in the long run, they will definitely see major changes in their profits.
Monday, January 6, 2020
Analysis Of Hamlet And An Argumentative Essay - 892 Words
English 112 involved writing a large variety of literary pieces focusing on multiple components of writing. I wrote a multigenre on tattoos, literary analysis on Hamlet, and an argumentative essay as well as a summary and response essay on the need for higher education. From this wide array of papers I have learned and grown in my technical writing skills that will contribute in my pursuits of college level classes. I will address each of my papers and what I have learned from them. I have included several Helpful Handouts that have proven to be helpful while composing my papers. My multigenre paper was on the topic of tattoos, the claim stating my opinion on the necessity of teens waiting until they are older before making the choice of getting a tattoo. I presented my research in a Prezi presentation, which assisted in backing my claim. My other genres included a double voice between a rebellious teen and me where I was capable of giving my opinion in regards to a teen who wants to be â€Å"team tatted†. I wrote a repetent on what I found to be acceptable tattoos a young adult is less likely to regret as well as the cultural background of tattoos. I created a recipe on what it takes to get a tattoo physically and emotionally. My last genre was an interactive activity I performed with the class, I used temporary tattoos to represent real ones and how years after getting a tattoo you are likely to regret it. Stalik 2 From my multigenre I learned about the ethical and culturalShow MoreRelatedI Am Writing At The Spring 2015 Semester Of Mrs. Miller s Engl 112 Dual Enrollment College1577 Words  | 7 Pagesyou the work I have completed during the Spring 2015 semester in Mrs. Miller’s Engl 112 Dual Enrollment College Composition II course at Brooke Point High School. 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