Friday, January 31, 2020
Advantages of Raw Milk Essay Example for Free
Advantages of Raw Milk Essay From the time of Hippocrates to until just after World War II, this white blood nourished and healed uncounted millions. Clean raw milk from pastured cows is a complete and properly balanced food You could live on it exclusively if you had to indeed, published accounts exist of people who have done just that Whats in it that makes it so great? Lets look at the ingredients to see what makes it such a powerful food Proteins Our bodies use amino acids as building blocks for protein. Depending on who you ask, we need 20-22 of them for this task Eight of them are considered essential, in that we have to get them from our food. The remaining 12-14 we can make from the first eight via complex metabolic pathways in our cells Raw cows milk has all 8 essential amino acids in varying amounts, depending on stage of lactation About 80% of the proteins in milk are caseins- reasonably heat stable and, for most, easy to digest Lactoferrin (14), an iron-binding protein, has numerous beneficial properties including improved absorption and assimilation of iron Ice cream – we don’t drink milk, we eat. Milk is our first food Mammals – short time milk 50 years ago 2000 pounds of milk per year Now top producers over 50000 pounds, how is it done ? Drugs, antibiotics, hormones, specialized cow breeding†¦ breeding cows for specialized skimmed milk. Skimmed milk cow. Its insane , and rocket fuel Cow’s milk also contain blood Kills Vitamin B6 Pyridoxine Vitamin B12â€â€Cyanocobalamin Diabitis – no proper enzymes to digest proteins.
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Vietnam Retaliation In The U.S :: essays research papers
â€Å"Vietnam was the first war ever fought without any censorship. Without censorship, things can get terribly confused in the public mind.†- Gen William C Westmoreland, US Army (      It is said that a war cannot be fought without the support of the people. Much so was this related to the Vietnam conflict. I say the â€Å"Vietnam Conflict†in that the United States never actually declared war on North Vietnam after its communist split-up in 1960. The conflict was based on the principles of containment stated in the Truman and Eisenhower Doctrines. These documents stated that military aid would be given to any nation willing to fight communism. This idea of â€Å"keeping communism in it’s place†without it spreading to new nations was called containment, a name given by President Harry Truman.      In May of 1955, Vietnam, which was a French colony, was broken up by rebels led by Ho Chi Minh. Under the accords of the Geneva Convention, the French colony was broken into Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. North Vietnam was supported by the Communist China and Soviet Union while South Vietnam fought off communism with aid from the United States. These series of events added to the tensions felt in the Cold War, which lasted between the United States and the Soviet Union until 1989.      The year 1964 brought the United States into the conflict even more with President Johnson’s Operation â€Å"Rolling Thunder†, which bombed railroads, troop camps and other North Vietnamese targets. This also brought two battalions of 3,500 marines and opened the door to lead 540,000 men in Vietnam by 1967. This drastic call for troops to be deployed to Vietnam called on the Selective Service Act, which drafted men into the military who fit certain requirements. This combined with anti-war sentiments felt at home led to the opposition to the war I am to speak about.      The Conflict in Vietnam did not go unnoticed at home as well. Some Americans were eager to fight Communism in Vietnam. But, unlike most wars of American time, the action in Vietnam had a very split approval amongst Americans. Many believed that the conflict was the responsibility of South Vietnam, and not that of the United States. By the conflict’s escalation, however, the approval of the practice of containment in Vietnam dropped drastically as more Americans lost their lives to Viet-Cong guerillas. But some were optimistic, said here: â€Å"Writer James Reston commented that the anti-war demonstrations were not helping to bring peace to Vietnam. He said they were postponing it. He believed the demonstrations would make Ho Chi
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Destin Brass Products Co. Essay
The estimated costs calculated using the activity-based costing method is very different from the existing standard unit costs and the revised unit costs. Exhibit 3 uses the traditional cost allocation system, which allocates all costs based on measures of volume. In the standard unit costs, Destin Brass uses direct labor as the only cost driver, which rarely meets the cause-effect standard wanted in cost allocation. Exhibit 4 is similar to exhibit 3, but instead, 4 uses materials and machine hours as the cost driver instead of just direct labor. The new costs are calculated by using the ABC system, which allocates costs that are caused by non-volume-based cost drivers. After recognizing the overhead activities, costs of overhead resources used for the activities are allocated to the activities using cost drivers. Then pooled costs of each activity are allocated to products, using the cost drivers. It takes one large overhead cost pool and breaks it down into several pools, which for this company are: receiving and materials handling, machine usage and maintenance, packing and shipping, and engineering. These have a cause-effect relationship with activities and resources that are used. So unlike exhibit 3 and 4, the new system breaks down the overhead costs a lot more. The new estimated costs are more accurate because the amount allocated to each of the overhead activities for each product is more detailed. It shows the percentage of how much each activity is performed on each product. All 3 products’ unit costs in the new system are different from exhibit 3 and 4. Unit price for valves has a slight change compare to the standard unit price, but for pumps and flow controllers, there is a dramatic change. Destin Brass are well under their 35% gross margin goal for pumps, and wondering how other companies can sell their pumps for such a low price. They thought the unit costs for pumps is $63.12, when in fact, the more accurate system shows that it’s only $48.81, $14.31 less than the standard unit cost. This inaccuracy is the reason why Destin Brass is having trouble staying competitive with their price on pumps while other companies are able to sell it for a lower price. The flow controllers have never been a problem for Destin Brass. It seemed to them that they had no competition in that market. Even after raising the prices by 12.5%, demand did not decrease. This is because the more accurate unit cost for flow controllers is actually $100.48, and not $56.50, $43.98 more than what they thought. They have been selling their flow controller at $97.07 each, which is below the unit cost, and that is why no other companies are able to compete in that market. I think Destin Brass should definitely adjust their selling price for all 3 products. For valves, $58.16 should be their new target-selling price if they want to keep the 35% GM goal, but I think they should make the actual selling price to be a little lower than that. That way they can stay/be more competitive in the valves market while having a GM% that is slightly lower, but still close to the goal. Selling price for pumps will have to be lowered for them to become competitive in the pumps market, unlike before. $75.09 would be the price they want to sell it at if they want the 35% GM, but the selling could still be slightly lower then that, allowing them to be competitive while still very close to their goal. Flow controller prices will have to be higher if they want to make a profit from this product. Right now they are making a loss of 4% for each flow controller they sell. If they want to reach the 35% GM mark, they will have to up their cost from $97.07 to $154.58. Just like pumps and valves, price could be a little lower than that, and of course for the same reasons. Yes, this means they will go from having no competition to many competitions in the flow controller market now, but at least they won’t be making a loss every time they sell a flow controller. In the following month, assuming quantities produced and sold, activities, and costs were all at standard, the profit reported under the new system would be $540,260.00, and under the present system would be $539,180.00. There is only a difference of $1,080. Destin Brass will not see any major difference in profit in the short run; in this case it’s over a period of one month. But in the long run, they will definitely see major changes in their profits.
Monday, January 6, 2020
Analysis Of Hamlet And An Argumentative Essay - 892 Words
English 112 involved writing a large variety of literary pieces focusing on multiple components of writing. I wrote a multigenre on tattoos, literary analysis on Hamlet, and an argumentative essay as well as a summary and response essay on the need for higher education. From this wide array of papers I have learned and grown in my technical writing skills that will contribute in my pursuits of college level classes. I will address each of my papers and what I have learned from them. I have included several Helpful Handouts that have proven to be helpful while composing my papers. My multigenre paper was on the topic of tattoos, the claim stating my opinion on the necessity of teens waiting until they are older before making the choice of getting a tattoo. I presented my research in a Prezi presentation, which assisted in backing my claim. My other genres included a double voice between a rebellious teen and me where I was capable of giving my opinion in regards to a teen who wants to be â€Å"team tatted†. I wrote a repetent on what I found to be acceptable tattoos a young adult is less likely to regret as well as the cultural background of tattoos. I created a recipe on what it takes to get a tattoo physically and emotionally. My last genre was an interactive activity I performed with the class, I used temporary tattoos to represent real ones and how years after getting a tattoo you are likely to regret it. Stalik 2 From my multigenre I learned about the ethical and culturalShow MoreRelatedI Am Writing At The Spring 2015 Semester Of Mrs. Miller s Engl 112 Dual Enrollment College1577 Words  | 7 Pagesyou the work I have completed during the Spring 2015 semester in Mrs. Miller’s Engl 112 Dual Enrollment College Composition II course at Brooke Point High School. 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