Sunday, December 29, 2019
Learn About the French Word Déranger
To disturb, bother, trouble and to mix/mess up is the English meaning of the French word dà ©ranger, pronounced day ra(n) zhay. Examples and Common Expressions Ce bruit me dà ©range - That noise is bothering meJe viendrai demain, si cela ne te dà ©range pas - Ill come tomorrow if thats ok / if that doesnt bother youNe dà ©range pas mes papiers - Dont mess up my papers! Related Words Le dà ©rangement - trouble, disturbance, disorder
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Trend of People Towards Fast Food Consumption - 2014 Words
BUSINESS OPPURTUNITY IN FAST FOOD INDUSTRY IN LAHORE Hamza Shahid Department of management sciences Institute of management sciences (Pak-AIMS) Lahore, Pakistan Abstract- The study has been to find out the business opportunity in fast food industry and the factors associated with its expansion at such a rapid face. The study has revealed such valuable factors associated with the fast food consumption and fast food business which provide us with significant proof to invest in the fast food business. The study is exploratory in nature. This is an applied research which has given positive sign for the investment in the fast food business. Introduction Today in the 21st†¦show more content†¦Now because of the presence of women they are not going to go to a local restaurant like ‘Fazal Karahi, sardar machli or any other restaurant that is situated in Laxmi Chawk. They are going to go to a more sophisticated place like a fast food restaurant like KFC, McDonald’s or salt pepper. The culture has changed a lot. Now people prefer to go to such sophisticated places in the presence of females B). Interviews: As mentioned above there was no significant literature available about the fast food industry of Pakistan. In order to get the right results and to get unbiased answers informal interviews were conducted so that grave factors associated with this fast growing business can be identified. Informal interviews lead towards the factors that were part of decision making of the people and enabled to determine the situations in which they preferred to consume fast food rather than regular meals. These informal interviews with the people at random places like cafeteria, parking areas class rooms etc. provided with such factors that were highly associated with the purchase preference. III. Theoretical framework The theoretical framework consists of the following: †¢ Identification of variables †¢ Prioritizing the variables †¢ Thematic diagram †¢ Nature and direction †¢ Logical statement A). Identification of variables: †¢ Gender †¢ Cost of food †¢ Brand †¢ Market structure †¢ Variety in fast food †¢Show MoreRelatedFast Food Industry Research Proposal1593 Words  | 7 PagesResearch Proposal (Fast Food Industry) To study the attitude towards consumption of healthy food within the fast food industry Background We are a marketing research team of a fast food chain store. With increasing awareness about healthy food among the masses and with consumer preferences changing towards healthy food, we intend to launch a health food segment to cater to this need of the customers. 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Friday, December 13, 2019
Informative essy Free Essays
The gang is notorious for its flamboyant use of the color blue. Wearing blue any and everywhere, gang members often get heckled by the police. The Crips are known to have an intense and bitter rivalry with the Bloods and various surrounding gangs. We will write a custom essay sample on Informative essy or any similar topic only for you Order Now They are also locked in an ongoing struggle over the drug trade with the Vice Lords. Raymond initially called the gang the Baby Avenues in an attempt to emulate older gangs and the activities carried out by the Black Panthers; Raymond was fascinated with the movement of the Black Panthers. The Gang renamed itself the Avenue Cribs and then took on the nickname the Cribs, because of the young age of members. The name Crips was first introduced in the Los Angeles Sentinel newspaper in a description by crime victims of young men with canes, as if they were crippled. Resources state, it could have Just been a misspelling error, either way the name stuck, and the Crips were officially Born Gangsters. Stanley Tookie Williams, generally acknowledged as co-founder of the Crips, started his own gang called the Westside Crips. Crip meaning â€Å"Community Revolution In Progress†. The Crips became popular throughout southern Los Angeles as more youth gangs Joined; at one point they outnumbered non-crip gangs by 3 to 1, sparking disputes with non-crip gangs, including the L. A. Brims, Athens Parks Boys, the Bishops and the Denver Lanes. The Crips eventually became the most powerful gang in California. In response, all of the other rival gangs, including the Pirus, formed an alliance that later became the Bloods. Along with friends, Williams and Washington created the initial intent of continuing the revolutionary ideology of the 960s. These aspirations were unattainable because of a general lack of political leadership and guidance. Washington and Williams were never able to develop an agenda for social change within the community. By 1971 the gang’s notoriety had spread across Los Angeles. The Gang became increasingly violent as they attempted to expand their turf. By the early 1980s the gang was heavily involved with drug trade, majority being crack cocaine. In 1971, a Crip set on Piru Street, Compton known as the Piru Street Boys was formed. After two years of peace, a feud began between he Piru Street Boys and the other Crip sets. It would later turn violent as gang warfare ensued between former allies. This battle continued until the mid 1970s when the Piru Street Boys wanted to call an end to the violence and called a meeting witn other gangs that were targeted by the Crips. Atter a long discussion, the Pirus broke off all connections to the Crips and started an organization that would later be called the Bloods, a street gang infamous for its rivalry with the Crips. For many years, Crips were characterized by their tendency to wear blue in order to easily dentify each other. One suggested origin of the selected color is traced to the school colors of Washington High School in South L. A. Another theory is the co-founder, Stanley Williams, had a good and close friend called â€Å"Buddha†, who wore blue shirts, khakis, shoes, and a blue bandana from his back left pocket. When Buddha died, Williams made blue the Crip color in honor of Buddha. A particular set of Crips, the Grape Street Crips, have been known to wear purple in addition to blue. The Shotgun Crips are separated into three sub-sets: The Nine, 139th Street; The Foe, 134th street; nd the Deuce, 132nd street in the city of Gardena, California and have been known to wear dark green, the city color of Gardena, in addition to blue to show that the Shotgun Crips are from Gardena. Crips also wear blue bandanas and British Knights sport shoes, which the Crips use BK as a acronym meaning â€Å"Blood Killas†. How to cite Informative essy, Papers
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Basic Differences In Perception Of Man Nature free essay sample
Basic Differences In Perception Of Man, Nature And Time In Medieval And Renaissance Literature Essay, Research Paper Basic differences in perceptual experience of adult male, nature and clip in Medieval and Renaissance literature Time of Medieval literature started with the autumn of the Roman imperium in fifth century A.D. People were on the highest degree of brutality, adult male got all what he could, he did non hold ends any longer. This was clip of changeless wars and instability. But universe could non halt develop and in the consequence three analogue manners in literature started to develop at the same clip: 1 ) literature of heathen traditions what largely includes folklore of provincials. They could non compose and read in Latin and Greek jet, so traditions went through the centuries orally and in their used linguistic communication ; 2 ) functionary church and province literature. Christianity was made as a kind of superstructure and about everything were depended on it, besides literature did ; 3 ) feudal or knights? literature. It was written by knights and described their manner of life. The clip of Renaissance started to develop in thirteenth century. It was clip when adult male got across to the civilization of new clip. Man became antifeudal in footing of his head. He became societal, anticlerical, and human. Man started to believe in himself, that he is originative and witting animal in this universe. Literature came back to the values of the ancient times. Man To my head, perceptual experience of adult male in each clip foremost is a hero. He merely differentiates. The hero of Medieval literature was adult male normally born from adult male and some sort of animate being, as in instance with old English epos? Beowulf? , his mane means the boy of bear. He besides was the adult male sent by God to contend with immorality. ? But the Lord wove the webs of fate, gave the Geats success in their battle, aid and support, in such a manner that all were enabled to get the better of their enemy through the strength of one adult male. ? ? Beowulf? The Renaissance new political orientation came with new hero, of class. He was simple adult male as all we are. He lives between us and merely you think is he or non sent by God. He looked like: ? a knight, a reputable adult male, who from the minute that he foremost began Compaining, had cherished the profession Of Weaponries, he besides prized trustiness, Liberality, celebrity, and courteousness. ? Geoffrey Chauser? Canterbury narratives? Of class, the chief undertakings of hero is to protect himself, his household, his state, his state. It is brilliantly shown in Medieval literature because this clip literature contains descriptions of male monarchs, defenders, or weather hearted knights, his battles in conflicts, and their selflessness in province protection: ? Grain ruled the Danes a long clip after his male parent? s decease, and to him Healfdene, fierce in conflict, who regulations until he was old? ? Beowulf? It seems that the simple adult male who was non at least a knight could non be sung the monetary value. At this clip adult male was witting of himself as a member of a race, people, or household? merely through some general class so he had to be something more than a human to be hero. He besides was non afraid of decease, he should hold heroic decease and strong belief of another, grater life after decease. But Renaissance with its hew political orientation brought a new hero. This adult male understood that he should go forth after his decease household, chef-doeuvre, or work but at the same clip he besides understood that he lives a individual clip. ? Men fear decease, as kids fear to travel in the dark: and as that natural fright in kids is increased with narratives, so is the other? said Francis Bacon in his essay? Of Death? . Renaissance in its footing considers that the hero could be everyone even a individual who is non a Christian. Man was one a religious person and recognized himself as such, as strong personality: ? A adult male? s nature runs either to herbs or weeds ; hence let him seasonably H2O the one, and destruct the other? Francis Bacon? Of Nature in Man? Because of strong influence of Catholic church on people in the Medieval clip here could non be stronger love to anyone but God. Man? s love to adult female was non described much in Medieval literature merely because adult female was non considered as human. The Church was non believing that adult female had soul. But anyhow adult female ever was close to her adult male: ? ? .. the baronial Danish queen went to sit beside her Godhead? ? Beowulf? Man of Renaissance came to decision that there is non greater love on the universe than love to adult females. He showed his adore, described her beauty, her influence on his life, etc. Man was non afraid to demo his Delaware epest wants and dreams: ? And I will thee beds of roses, And a 1000 fragrant poises ; A cap of flower, and a kirtle Embroidered all with foliages of Vinca minor? . Christopher Marlowe? The shepherd? s vocal to his love? With this started of new epoch in poesy? love poesy. Such poets as Dante and Petrarca were the first who did it. Their poesy is considered one of the best in the universe up to modern times. Many great ulterior poets learned from them how to demo feelings by agencies of literature. But as I said in Medieval times love to Jesus Christ was on the first topographic point. So most of literature works showed it, besides church literature people described God that their imagined him: ? Then the immature warrior, God mighty stripped Himself, house and unflinching, He dimed upon the cross, brave earlier many, to deliver world? ? The Dream of the Rood? ( The Dream of the Cross ) But fundamentally it was simple retelling of the Bible on ain used linguistic communication. Renaissance alternated a new belief called humanitarianism. That is belief in values of adult male ; in his right to liberate development of ability. This new belief became really popular among world that church said them atheists and started concealed war to them. But thanks to the humanitarianism political orientation adult male did several great finds that originally could non be connected to church tenet. Nature Now we could non conceive of modern literature without descriptions of nature. During perceptual experience of literary work you feel what writer is seeking to state by description of nature, how it interrelates with his feelings. But it is know when we know much about stylistic surveies. Medieval clip literature differs with that there is non much nature descriptions, likely because adult male did cognize how to state and link it with narrative of the hero. But anyway we can happen it: ? the foamy? necked ship? . ? ? . Had gone so far that the mariners saw land, reflecting shore drops and immerse mountains? ? Beowulf? So we see that nature descriptions was really hapless merely said facts about it. Probably it was influence of this clip when people were believing much about their psyche and good helping to God. Renaissance poets, chiefly, started to convey nature into literature as something really near to adult male. They compared it with adult male? s life: spring was the same as young person or falling in love, fall meant old age, etc. There besides appeared simple descriptions of beautiful topographic points non merely in pictures but in literature as well: ? There were hills which garnished their proud tallness with baronial trees ; low vales, whose base estate seemed comforted with the refreshing of Ag rivers ; hayfields, enameled with all kinds of oculus? delighting flowers? Sir Philip Sidney? Description of Arcadia? I think that with epoch of Renaissance adult male got across that nature is such thing he is really closely related to. He understood that everything develops due to something and why it could non be nature? Time Old heroic poem vocals from Medieval literature do non incorporate such thing as saying the clip of go oning. It resembles to fairy narratives because it has the same introductory words: ? Listen: You have heard of the Danish Kings In the old yearss and how They were great warriors? ? Beowulf? or ? One dark, after a beer party? ? ? Beowulf? To my head, people were non numbering old ages yet in Middle ages. The numeration order changed many times and it was more easy to number ages by seasons. I think adult male of Early Middle ages did non believe much about age merely because he believed in immortality. In Renaissance adult male started to pay attending to show. He came to decision that likely there is something after decease but cipher knows what. By populating for present Renaissance adult male understood that clip is traveling on and neer comes back. He started to split it on periods, tag his accomplishments. Time and unrecorded became really connected and of import because adult male should make his undertaking in clip. Two different epochs? two great epochs? Medieval and Renaissance brought new lasting values to mankind. Now we have great possibility to take the best from both of beginnings and by aid of it serve to God and mankind every bit good as it is possible. List of literature: An Anthology of English Medieval and Renaissance Literature: S. Ankrava, I. Pan? ze, 1998, R? tabun The old Anglo-Saxon heroic poem vocal? Beowulf? , Modern English interlingual rendition ? rzemju literat? ras V? sture. Viduslaiki un renesanse: V. ? irmunskis ; 1968, Zvaigzne, R? tabun # 1055 ; # 1088 ; # 1086 ; # 1089 ; # 1090 ; # 1088 ; # 1072 ; # 1085 ; # 1089 ; # 1090 ; # 1074 ; # 1086 ; # 1080 ; # 1074 ; # 1088 ; # 1077 ; # 1084 ; # 1103 ; # 1074 ; # 1083 ; # 1080 ; # 1090 ; # 1077 ; # 1088 ; # 1072 ; # 1090 ; # 1091 ; # 1088 ; # 1077 ; # 1080 ; # 1080 ; # 1089 ; # 1082 ; # 1091 ; # 1089 ; # 1089 ; # 1090 ; # 1074 ; # 1077 ; : 1997, # 1044 ; # 1072 ; # 1091 ; # 1075 ; # 1072 ; # 1074 ; # 1087 ; # 1080 ; # 1083 ; # 1089 ;
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