Thursday, May 16, 2019

13 Reasons Why: Story Essay

Hannas and the Great Compromisers dual narrative enhance goes by they tell each backsheesh of interpret in the story because its handle he is not talking to anyone but himself and his conscious, it wouldve probably been the aforesaid(prenominal) way because thats probably what most of them thought. If it was Tony he was going to pretend the same. I dont think her reasons are of equal importance some state are on the list for impish reasons. The main one I found unexpected was when Bryan walker molested her. I think all xiii reasons are responsible thats why they all have tapes and I think she committed self-annihilation to get away from her problems.I think thats suck upy because you visualize her being there and that would creep me out but then you would tend to feel exactly what she felt as she was their so you assure her inside life. The tape is different from the impression of a suicide note because when you get to hear a voice you chouse exactly how their feeling. S he recorded and left the tapes for the inhabit to hear them and remember that day for the rest of their lives. Yes because thats what people use today, tapes are old. When she give voices that she way that there are other peoples point of view in the story and she tells what happens and what she thinks close it.See more Beowulf es maintain essayIf she listened to it she probably wouldnt be dead because they would have discussed to the highest degree it first. She thought that if she moved place to place the rumors would be left behind. A rumor is something going around as gossip humpn as not true they say that she has things in her dresser. No one isnt powerful then the other were all the same, rumors cant be positive. Yes it does because rumors are just cunnings. The different perspectives of how her story plays out is comparable they didnt know that what they do and how they act contributes to others.What she gist by pushing it is that every time something happens to her it takes her deeper and deeper each time till she feels like killing herself. All of the thirteen reasons pushed her to her final decision but they kept treating her wrong so she gave up. Yes they wouldve changed, if they knew. what she means by this is that for you, you would investigate something before saying it so you just need it to be true because nothing wants to be called a liar so at first you say the lie then you know your going one day have to say the truth because you know its not your choice to say the lie so you say you need it.She reacts to it because she knows something is wrong with him and the way he acts she thinks its unusual. Yes I think she knows he is lying she should know her son. She doesnt question him because she knows he will tell her a lie so she doesnt bother because thats the way she feels about the poem and she wants the rest of them to know. I sustain with her reasoning because thats how she feels about everything and they should know this reappea rs throughout the story but she still uses the same part of voice.The lost-n-found gazette applies to the themes because once you tell something and put it out there, it will soon be found and open up else where so when you say a secret or a bad rumor it will go around every where and it wont be lost but soon found. The truth will condition you free applies to Hannas story by instead of spreading rumors you should tell something thats the truth and youll be free and not on a list. No truth really doesnt gift exemption because sometimes the truth hurts and affects others.Yes there will always be peace in knowledge you would know wrong from right. What the man says is significant to Clay because he sees that there is something wrong with him with the way he acts and how he feels and he sees that he is suffering from something but he doesnt have to know he sees it so he lets Clay not have to pay to feel better. To describe the difference between misadventures and non-incidents is t hat an incident and is tragedy and a non-incident is something done on purpose and isnt that bad.Clay Jensen relates to the previous state because of what happened to her about what was said on a rumor and people just wanting to believe it. So on what was said about Clay was so good she knew she had to believe it regardless if it was true or not. Hannas theme is important to her because she doesnt want things put down on her thats not true. The reputation that others have on the tapes is bad and is most likely to be changed. I think most of the people on the tapes are disproved through the information.Hannas reputation influences Clays interactions by he knows who the real Hanna is and wants to meet her. Clay is afraid of getting hurt by her. The reason why Clay left the room aft(prenominal) kissing Hanna was because she forced him too. I think he really didnt have to leave, she just infallible suspensor. He couldve asked her why she wanted him to leave and just get her talking. She puts Clay as one of the thirteen reasons why because she wants to say sorry. When Clay says that, yes I agree with him because I know that he really did like her n he really wouldve helped.Yes Hanna made that choice, she wanted to kill herself. The choices she had was that she couldve talked to someone or talk to them about how she felt. For those thirteen reasons she ended her life I think that there were also thirteen equally reasons she had to live. When jennet hits her car to a catamenia sign actually symbolizes something hazard because she can cause an accident. What Clay means when he says we all couldve stopped something really shows that all those things that goes on there can be a positive to it.This relates to the Bryce and Jessica situation because she couldve stopped Bryce for taking advantage of Jessica. The roles adults play in what happened to Hanna is like they shouldve paid more attention to her and take what she was saying very seriously. Yes I think an adult couldve done something to help her and stop her from her decision she includes one adult so everyone could know she went for help. She opens the truth to an adult so they can help her and give her advice. She chose Mr. Porter because he was a trust counselor.

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